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Everything posted by vnkite

  1. Now it's very easy to get a Dieu Sao from Vietnamese by ordering it on Vietnam Kites online store. You should experience it and enjoy the magical sounds from kite flutes.
  2. vnkite

    Dieu Sao

    If anyone here likes to get a flute kite to add into your kite collection, order it easily now at Vietnam Kites online store.
  3. Should you try this: It is Vietnamese flute quad kite
  4. Yes, it is surely strange for the world kite community outside of Vietnam!
  5. Thanks for liking our Vietnamese flute kites (Diều Sáo)!
  6. If you are curious about Vietnamese kites, looking for Vietnam kite festival news etc., here's the link: https://dieusao.com It's the Vietnam Flute Kite forum. Though all members post articles and comments in Vietnamese, you may use Google Translation to understand their meanings. Have fun with kites world-wide!
  7. Let's enjoy the most interesting shoots about kite flying... ... coming from Vietnam Kite community! The best video of kites ever, do you think so?
  8. Link here, on YouTube:
  9. Its magical sounds here:
  10. Here you are: (From 2'46''). Or:
  11. Bamboo is very popular in Vietnam :D. Here we use bamboo to make kites and flutes. It is not related to the topic, but if you are interested in learning how to make Sao Dieu (kite flute), this is a forum for your reference (however, all is Vietnamese): https://dieusao.com/f/node/17
  12. Trilobite is a good choice as well :). It can lift very well.
  13. Here are kite photos that taken by fly-cam. They are "Dieu Sao", a Vietnamese traditional flute kite. Together with "Ao Dai", "Dieu Sao" is a word that not translated into English... (See more at DieuSao.Com)
  14. Let's watch how Dieu Sao (Vietnamese Flute Kite) flying above rice fields and villages!
  15. vnkite

    Dieu Sao

    Also called Flute Kite, Vietnam's traditional kite.
  16. From the album: Dieu Sao

  17. From the album: Dieu Sao

    Ao Dai (Lady's long dress) and Dieu Sao (Flute Kite) are two words keeping remained and they are not translated into English but people still understand...
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