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Everything posted by kitedad

  1. bought a vertigo std for my boy at the os festival back in june at os kites, andy talked a good talk so we took the chance. My boy has had very little experience with quads but a lot of experience with dual lines, He's starting to do competitions a little now. he's only gotten to fly a few revs others let him fly briefly at a few kite festivals up till now.. He is picking it up really quick, after two or three outings we decided to get the vented vertigo last weekend and we used it at the beach in 12-18mph wind and he flew well, He's still trying to get the hang of flying backwards though. I say boy but he's 23 and has flown dual line since he was about 13. I'm just a spectator and can't comment except from a spectators point of view, but I don't see any difference in the way a rev fly's and this one. I have been to quite a few kite shows in the last 7-8 years and have watched many revs both in competition and otherwise and can say I'm ok with the money I spent and the fun I've had watching my boy progress with the short time we've had the kites. Perhaps sometime down the road we'll go to a rev but only if an advantage can be found in doing so. This is my first post here and I'd like to take this moment to say hI to all the flyers here, I've always found kiters to be some of the best people around. Hope this helps some. good luck and good flying.
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