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Posts posted by Zuul

  1. 1 hour ago, BobL said:

    seems to be in that class of indoor/outdoor kites like the Kaiju,4D and Echo...have you got any specs on it? i saw that Level One did a remake just for outdoor flying  calling it the Amazing Matrix,  made it stiffer and probly heavier, both seem to fly well. is it for sale?


    I wasn't planning to sell it.  If you have a serious interest, you can PM me 

    The Amazing was redesigned in 2011 and is now sold in 2 versions.

                                Original                         New "indoor"                         New "outdoor"
    Frame             SkyShark 2pt                  SkyShark 2pt          4.5mm, 5.0mm, 5.5mm & 6.0mm
    Sail               Icarex and Mylar           Skytex 27 + Icarex                Skytex 27 + Icarex
    Span                   2.00 m                              2.15 m                                     2.15 m
    Height                1.07 m                              1.09 m                                     1.09 m
    Weight                135 g                                190 g                                        240 g
    Wind range           ??                                   0-5 kph                                 3-18 km/h

  2. Probably "Old School" isn't exactly the right term, but I couldn't think of a better one.  There are lots of really good kite plans available now for "French Style" or "Polyvalent" kites.  I was wondering if there was something leaning more towards the Benson Deep Space and Aerostar Sano SS end of the pool.  Both of those examples are more "transitional", I suppose.  (200x rather than 199x age)

    What I'm looking for is:

    • more bias towards pretty flat spins, and less emphasis on roll-up tricks
    • gently curved leading edges rather than very straight ones
    • slightly lower aspect ratio

    Do you know of anything like that you would consider a very good performing plan?

  3. 1 hour ago, makatakam said:

    The pattern shown is straight, but it is a computer-generated illustration. It is a flat drawing as opposed to a cutting pattern. The pattern for the build does have a curved leading edge. 

    P.S. -- I'm not sure if you guys are talking about the banana kite or the drawing I posted. I'm talking about my drawing, but it looks to me like Wayne is referring to the banana and Zuul is talking about my drawing. Hard to tell and confusing.

    Yes, I was talking about your drawing.  I suspected that the drawing was not how the kite was cut, but figured it didn't hurt to confirm.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Wayne Dowler said:

    Looks to be a flat pattern, not a "flying" setup. Notice the dotted lines showing a regular 1.5, very much smaller. 

    I would guess putting caps on would introduce some flex in the LE.

    The typical rev-style sail has a curved LE pocket as sown (i.e. flat pattern).  That's not to say a straight LE won't work, it's just not how most are designed. 

    • Like 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, makatakam said:

    Yes. A loose edge will flutter, whether it's the leading or trailing edge. The leading edge must be either tautly stretched or otherwise stiffened to avoid this. The span of cloth between the tabs also affects how easily it will flutter. The shorter the distance between them the less chance of flutter. Sail harmonics will also come into play at some speed, but that's a different subject. Search New York Minute flutter or NYM flutter on this forum if you want to know more.

    OK.  I went back, looked at your design, and understand what you mean now.  Makes complete sense when you think about it.  I just didn't think about it until you pointed it out!  :)

    Is the leading edge on yours dead-straight like it's shown in the illustration?  Or is the picture "not to scale" for simplicity?

  6. On 9/19/2016 at 9:01 AM, makatakam said:

    You may find that the leading edge of the sail flutters at higher speeds. If so, you can slip a very small diameter carbon rod into the seam to eliminate the flutter, or sew a stiffer material strip along it. See the photo I posted, the LE is attached to the front and back on this design for that purpose. I am also making a second kite where it only attaches to the front.

    Can you elaborate a little on this?  Is it because there is no mesh in the "vents"?

  7. Well, what I’ve read about isn’t considered normal buzz from the trailing edge. Here is a post by JB.  Several others have similar experiences if you read down in that thread:

    NYM Discussion

    I was considering buying one and that’s why I was curious if the issue was resolved in production as time went on.

  8. Just wanted to follow up.  I was able to trade for a Sky Sport ATM by Lam.  I've only had about an hour of flying time, and the wind was at the top of, or above, the range for a standard, but I think I'm really going to like it.  Thanks RobB for the suggestion.

    On 8/12/2019 at 7:10 AM, RobB said:

    Lam kites are designed for what you describe.

    It seams to be a little finicky to fade, but it locks into a turtle like nothing else I've flown.  I wonder if a tad less spine weight might balance it better, but I'll fly it as it is for a while before experimenting.

  9. Midi has it pretty well covered.  A full size kite got its name because each leading edge is made of 2 full length spars (arrow length) giving a roughly 8 foot span.   A 3/4 kite is made using one full spar and one half spar for a roughly 6 foot span.  The leading edges are made of 3 spars total instead of 4 ... 3/4 kite.  

  10. Thanks for the input everyone.  I like to build, but my “experiments” have never gone well, so I try to concentrate on well established plans now.  If it’s not something then works well with Icarex, I’m going to pass.  

  11. 8 minutes ago, Palmahnic said:

    The return is much smaller, but and then should be faster or at least more agile, haven't made one myself. I did make two SS, regular and a 95% one, both are incredible kites, in their own way. 

    95% doesn't seem like a very big reduction.  The difference was really noticeable?  In what way?

  12. 19 hours ago, Palmahnic said:


    I suggest the Sixth Sense. Middle ish inputs, very forgiving, open source so normally would be cheaper. Big and slow. 


    Wow.  Now that’s interesting.  I’ve been thinking about building a 6th, just because.  I hadn’t really considered that it would fill the “bigger slower” slot in my collection.  I was also considering a [Return] but I don’t know how it compares    


  13. 1 hour ago, Wayne Dowler said:

    Wouldn't the R-Sky and Level One kites do everything you want? 

    Absolutely those kites are completely capable of every trick out there ... well, the R-Sky, anyway.  The Sano, too.  There are people on this forum that could make them dance.  I'm having a little trouble progressing with them, though, and I'm suspicious that they might just be a bit too fast in their reactions.  So a bigger, slower kite that still suits the way my hands are programmed might good to have in the bag.

    ....or I just need to spend a few hours with John B. 🤔   But that's a lot harder, logistically!

    • Like 1
  14. AeroStar
        Sano SS
      - What can you say? One of the great ones.


    Beuna Vista
        Laguna (sold)

    Blue Moon
    - One of my favorites, but limited trick potential.
        Mamba - Wanna love it, but don’t.  Should probably fly it more.  I’d like a stiffer frame.


        Breeze (sold)
    - Yuck … who approved this for production?

    Level One
        Black Jack (sold)
        Easy Light
        Easy Vent
        Level Two (sold)

    New Tech
        Dynamite (gifted)

    (sold) - Needed smoother inputs than I could offer.  Felt floppy to me.

        Krystal FX

    Seattle Airgear
        Skydance 2
    - least tricky kite EVER 🤣

    - getting it to fade is practically impossible

    • Like 2
  15. @BreezinEverything I've read says the Superfly is a bit manic and requires quick reactions to get the best out of it.  If you like the Psycho, I'm sure you'll have no trouble enjoying it.  I think it's rather on the opposite end of the spectrum from what I'm currently looking for.  The Supernova is the bigger, slower cousin, and I'm guessing even that is more of an extreme trickster in the grand scheme.  I could definitely be wrong, though!

    • Like 1
  16. I haven't been flying a lot for the last ... ahem ... decade?  <sigh. feeling old>  At the time I would have considered myself a solid intermediate at best.  Now it seems like the only thing I can consistently do is axle and not crash (much).  Hopefully I'll be flying more again, and want to progress as quickly as I can.  I have some great kites in my collection.  I have kites that can DO all the tricks, but I'm not convinced they are the most conducive to learning tricks.  I only have one full-size kite.  Most are typical 3/4 size (1.8- 2.1 meter).  I've just always "connected" more with smaller kites.  I've given it some thought and I think that's because big arm movements don't come naturally to me.

    So, is there a kite out there that has the big-kite-benefits but takes small-kite-inputs?  Does that make sense?  Something slower and smoother that I don't have to flail?

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