In a recent south texas beach visit, I decided to experiment with a home-made sand anchor on the big sled you see in my profile picture. Typically, I'll hold this kite down with a branded sand anchor (see attached picture) and then put another big kite (usually 75 foot octo) about 30 ft down wind with another. [note: both on #500 string]. Since I like to experiment, I made a homemade one out of ripstop and a few caribiners, and while having fun on the beach and not paying attention, the wind picked up....lifted the homemade anchor up, which dumped all the sand....which then flew it all into the octo 30 feet away which then proceeded to pull it ALL DOWN. The Sled landed over 100 yards away with the downed octo close by! SO, my advice when at the beach, don't wing it and go home made.... Buy one! ALL KITES AND LAUNDRY SURVIVED and unfortunately, no video of the event.