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Everything posted by lazrcub

  1. Great give, again!
  2. Who is planning to attend this year? October 8-10th. Ship Bottom, Long Beach Island, New Jersey.
  3. I had a kite that shipped from NC to NJ it showed showed in transit from NC for 4 weeks. All attempts to trace and track were useless. Out of the blue I get an update that the package was out for delivery 5 weeks after shipping. Their tracking service is horrible.
  4. Congrats on the new Quad.
  5. Thanks for all of your suggestions.
  6. Thanks for all of the input, I have decided to get a Vertigo Max.
  7. I am having some problems with inverted flying with a Rev EXP. I seem to be doing OK, but I am crashing to often when my kite stalls. I think I may be using to much brake, reverse. Is this a set up problem or something I just have to get work out?
  8. LBI Fly is only going to be a two day event the Saturday and Sunday the 10-11th. I will be an abbreviated version. There will be no indoor events. Hope to be there on one of the days.
  9. lazrcub


    I am pretty much a novice and still learning. I think it is well worth the money to join the forum. The pay tutorials are a big help. In this age of Covid, it is difficult to get together with anyone, but If you go to the Jersey Shore, there has been a great weekend event, usually early October called LBI Fly. This may or may not happen this year, but if it does, there usually are people there who can help you learn to fly. It is at Ship Bottom NJ on Long Beach Island.
  10. Based on some of the comments, I did not get the spider. I am considering a Djinn. I am looking for something in the 12 to 30 mph wind range.
  11. I am considering a quad for up to about 25 mph. winds. Is the rev rx spider a good choice? I am relatively new to Quad flying. It looks like you can get a rev rx spider for about $200.
  12. The event turned out very well. The high water was a problem on Friday and light wind Saturday morning, but Saturday afternoon and Sunday were great. I got some tips from Paul LaMasters and hopefully can fly with the group next year.
  13. Paul it looks like you will be in the 13th st area, is that correct? I will try to find you there. Terry (lazrcub)
  14. I plan on attending Sat and Sun. New to Quad flying. Are there any flying areas for beginners?
  15. Hello John, This is an interesting site. I have recently started flying an Rev Exp and just bought a Rev XX for better light wind flying. I fly at a park with variable winds and the EXP seemed to need more wind to fly well. I am sure it is because of my limited experience. I seem to do better when I can fly near the Atlantic Ocean at the New Jersey shore. The wind is much steadier there. I race sailboats, so I have some idea about changing winds. Terry
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