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KiteLife Forum

Bunduki Vlieger

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Bunduki Vlieger last won the day on October 26 2024

Bunduki Vlieger had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Focus Kite Design, Detox, Djinn, Horvath
  • Flying Since
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  • Interests
    Kite flying
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Bunduki Vlieger's Achievements

Power User

Power User (6/7)



  1. Congraz & enjoy this beautiful kite
  2. Wonderful colours! Love it !!
  3. Congratulations and have a lot of fun with it
  4. Cool! Herzlichen Glückwunsch nach Hamburg
  5. Hi! I started flying fighter kites with my then 5-year-old son. 2 and 4-liners were still too difficult. A single line quickly becomes too boring. I launched the Fighter Kite for my son and put it in his hand. Then he just has to steer it with tension. Then I put mine in the air. The child then had a lot of fun "fighting" against his father and of course won often 😉
  6. Awesome Colors. Love it!
  7. We'll fly together. Enjoy your vacation!
  8. That just reminds me... @leen I'll be at the Brouwersdam for a few days from 7 April. Maybe there will be an opportunity for us to meet there?
  9. I'll gladly take them. Can you give them to me in Cervia
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