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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Quantum 2.0, Synapsis
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  1. Thanks Zuul. Taking another look at the plans with what you described, it makes sense now. Just one more question, how are the stand off reinforcements being located?
  2. I want to eventual stack some kites and have been looking at lines from various stores. I see Into the Wind bulk dacron and then keep seeing Emma kite line. Been looking at 300 lbs line in particular. Emma's is much cheaper, but is it as good compared to others?
  3. I have been using Into the Wind kite lines and reels. Recently bought a Kitty Hawk hoop and line set because it was cheap and though would try it out. I like Into the Wind's version of 50# line and hoop combo better. My Into the Wind line combos have a Shanti sticker on them. I figure it is the hoop, but not sure if the line is Shanti or there custom braid from Ashway.
  4. How wide should I cut my leading edge material, the piece that holds the fiber glass rod, for a 2 string sport kite? From the beginning, I noticed that the Escape plans have nothing about this in the plans. Originally, I thought I would try mimic what my Quantum has on it for this piece of the kite. But didn't know if there is an ideal spacing between the sail's edge and the fiberglass frame.
  5. JohnC

    Sewing Icarex

    I have yet to get back on my kite project, but been busy every weekend so far. I want to compare my results with your video. Also, I noticed that my machine has a presser foot adjustment screw. Have you ever messed with that before?
  6. JohnC

    Sewing Icarex

    Thanks RiffClown. I tried to doing some more sewing last Friday and double checked my threading of the needle per your advice. I didn't get a birds nest. However, I did get one ball of thread on the under side of each seam. I think it would happen when I got a little panicky because I was coming up on what I thought was a critical spot and probably pulled the material to cause it. I try to guide the fabric through to stay on course. The tissue paper seemed to help feed the fabric through. Does the slightest movement of the needle cause those bird nests on the underside of the seam? Is it really that touchy? I am using a Singer 4452, which is from the heavy duty consumer line. I think I found a total of 6 sewing machines in my mother's quilting stuff. All huskavarna. I think there is a Rose, D1, and an SE in there which I think is completely programmable. I haven't used any of them for fear of damaging them. Everything I read in the kite world said to use a heavy duty machine to get through layers.
  7. I really like the balloon. Nice touch. The kite looks great.
  8. Looks really nice.
  9. JohnC

    Sewing Icarex

    Yeah, I read that not having the presser foot down can cause issues at the needle. Honestly, I am not sure I threaded the needle with the foot up at all times. Will have to remember to double check this. The first wad of thread on the kite sail was due to thread getting under the spool on my Drizt spool holder. Honestly thought I had that prevented. The basting tape, I am not sure I really like what it does to the needle. That stuff gets everywhere. I cleaned the needle with B-12 carburetor cleaner to get it out of the eyelet. Checked my thread and it is bonded, I don't remember the V number, not at the house to check. Thinking back on that days calamities, I would suspect my feeding the material through the machine was probably too aggressive and half of the cause for bad stitching. I think I had more success while holding the front and back of the seam and trying to gently feed the machine, but I still had a few stitch issues. I am thinking about getting tissue paper strips and place that under the fabric to assist the machine feeding. Would that make it much easier for the machine to feed the material through?
  10. I bought a singer heavy duty machine and all the Icarex I need to build the Escape kite. I have never sewn before, but had seen my mother do clothing and quilts, but I can't do it. I would ask my mother for assistance, but she had a stroke almost 2 years ago and can't recall how to do it. My machine tension seems to be fine, but as the sail gets larger, the number of rats nests and skipped stitches increases. I am using the 1/4" seam baste to hold everything together, the recommended thread, and microtex 90/14 needle. Could the weight of the sail still be causing the thread to ball up on the needle or is the basting tape putting too much tension on the thread? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I have gotten the "Aren't you too old to be.." statement when telling people I like to play board games. Cars, antique tractors, board games, or kites, I figure it's all the same- enjoyment.
  12. That's pretty funny, Edmond. I guess several of the parents at the park where asking each other where the engine was. My wife said you could not see the lines and when it seemed to hover, people where really wowed. The only draw back from the whole thing was that I had several dozen sand burrs stuck to the bottom of each shoe. Thank goodness they didn't seem to penetrate the kite while on the ground.
  13. Guess I created a quite a stir the other day while at Red Bud Park. I had several people ask me about how does that kite work and a few kids ask me if I was a professional. I admitted that I am not, but just a beginner and doing some much needed practice. My wife was watching the little one on the playground and noticed that I had quite a few of the parents watching my 4D flying around in the clearing. Fun times. Hopefully one of those kids will look further into the hobby.
  14. JohnC

    Kite Flying Wind

    Frob, what would you say is the biggest difference between something like my Quantum 2.0 and a Benson and then a Quantum and a custom kite like Sky Sport Design?
  15. Soon after making the comment about track paper, I realized that probably won't make much difference. I too was wondering how you make your patterns. Sounds like a roll of drafting paper and drafting tools are the ticket.
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