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Everything posted by harrier

  1. Still messing around, but now they have put us in a big playpen with more kites to play with. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...31&hl=en-GB .
  2. harrier

    B Series

    The folk from Kiteworld are at the Portsmouth Festival right now, I expect they will be back soon :-)
  3. Hi Chris, we were flying here, http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?ie=UTF8&...019956&z=16 If you grab the sat. image and move it around you will see we are in the middle of a massive holiday park, we like to put kites up infront of folk who don't get to see them much, y'know, spread the word. You would think we were part of some secret society some of the comments we get, its real disappointing how little most folk here know of modern kiting. Traders are not helping, just tucked away on the net, it is surprising how many folk who approach us who do not have net access. The Rev 1 sail won't have to wait too long before it gets up close with a sewing machine I suspect. A glimpse of what we get up to and a small selection of Robs kites can be seen here: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/flyincam/Seawick
  4. Bit of fun from a week or two ago. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...35&hl=en-GB
  5. Still aint found nothin better to do, so finished this yesterday and just went zizzin, I like just zizzin, its easy on the old wrists, all that fast hand stuff is long gone for me. Oh, its blowing some and it is without a bridle, makes it a bit easier in the gusts. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...05&hl=en-GB .
  6. Still aint found nothing better to do, sitting on the sea wall flying kites in a nice gentle breeze........ day before yesterday. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...78&hl=en-GB
  7. Ant, its a 4 line kite I made for Kap, a bit easier to fly than a Rev, with a tail on it just doubles up as something to have fun with. :-) Here a shot with a camera aboard.
  8. Ok so its dark, 35mph wind and raining outside and I have nothing better to do but look through some vids. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...887420581193826
  9. From a while back, check out where the Kodak is, there is 375 grammes aboard, around 15oz. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...16&hl=en-GB
  10. well for starters it has no engines so what could you do with it ??? Put some hardware back aboard? But just plant it nose first at the other end of your beach, it would sure keep your end clear with folk lining up to gawp at it.
  11. There is a wealth of info on kite building over at http://www.kitebuilder.com/forums/index.php And plenty of very helpful folk.
  12. Antman, with a bit of careful searching you could have one of these too, you just have to put some hardware back aboard for some real fun. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/08/07/harrier_jet/ .
  13. Around here we don't tend to mess about too much, we just hook one of these on and shift 'em
  14. Think yourselves lucky you aint buying in the UK, you get the same nonsense here and end up paying twice as much for the pleasure. Of my 5 kite related orders during the last month not one was completed properly....still waiting to hear from two of them...perhaps they are allergic to the phone or keyboard....and then they wonder why folk here shop in the US.
  15. I have settled on one pair at a time, I slip a foam tube onto the handles and just wind the lines on, this allows me to undo the larksheads and slip the tube and line off the handle if I want to change lines, other lines are kept on similar tubes. It works ok no tangles.
  16. Thats good and bad news John, shame you cant make it, are the rest of the team planning to fly?
  17. Thats a drag, I am into the air races. Oh well, an opportunity here, set up some gates for vertical and horizontal passes, longer lines, and hey, Rosso Torro Rev racing. Two or more at a time around the course and the first back on the floor over the finish line gets to do it again.....and again.
  18. "well theres nothing wrong with a little booze and kites going together" You are right Antman, but when folk are pushing the lamposts over or just plain struggle to keep on their feet..... well By the way the B vented with two sets of sticks aboard is one strong kite, credit to the maker.
  19. Baloo you might want to think about the dodgy pics we might have of a certain bloke from up north. After drinking that foul London water this is what happens, JB was at this angle for the rest of the day.
  20. Chris, I measured the windspeed at average 35mph gusting to 41mph just a while before you arrived, like you say they can fly a bit (John Lam Chris and Carl) it was an education for me.
  21. Nice to be up with the kites John, and some great flying. What vid camera did you fly? Baloo, there are several differences between the camera mount used at Blackheath and the mount John now has. The camera has a greater range of movement now and the mount is lighter. We have been waiting for some suitable weather to try the next mod, this is to stiffen things up a bit and lessen camera shake. The long settled spell of high pressure weather is very nice but the lack of wind here is a bit frustrating........perhaps tomorrow.
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