I just got my first taste of indoor kite flying and it was a blast. And you get lots of exercise to boot. Well I did because of my lack of coordination and wasted movements, hehe.
I flew an indoor rev, a rev 1.5 setup with super ultra light spars, and a Wren.
Now I am ready to make an investment for some indoor kites. The great part is the kites will also be usable for no/low wind days outdoors.
Penny - Just to make sure, your kite was a rev 1.5 with super ultra light spars?
The question I have is which indoor dual line kite is the best investment - "most bang for the buck?"
I have looked at the Wren and it is a very nice kite and I enjoyed flying it and it is currently on the top of my list for kites to purchase.
But I have also looked at the Pro Wren, Level One Amazing, and VIP by Lam Haoc. I am not stuck on any one kite and I am open to other options. Does anyone know if the Sea Devil comes with indoor option setup? I love that kite and the graphics. (thanks to John for letting me fly his at WISKF)
But I do not want to have a kite that I keep stuffed in my bag because I graduated to another level.
Any suggestions with some pros and cons?