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Everything posted by kitedog

  1. Kite Slinger, WOW!! Those are to much fun. Are they stick shifter handles? Or did you make them yourself? BTW, what do you mean by "taped"? Any problems with the aluminum rods? Do they bend if you push them into hard ground? Mouse, Yours are fun too. Did you use polymer clay? How are they holding up? Do both of you also use super glue? Sorry for all the questions. I don't want to learn by trial and error. Prefer to gather the info before starting on this project. arns
  2. Antman, What type of glue / epoxy did you use? The reason I ask is I have noticed some glues / epoxy become brittle when they dry. I am looking for something that will stand the test of time. Baloo, Is the rubber duck filled with plastic or acrylic? What makes it keep its shape? Arns
  3. John B. or anyone else who might have an idea or answer. John at WSIKF I noticed iQuad had golfball kite stakes. On the balls it had iQuad printed on them. Where did you have these stakes made? Better yet anyone know how to make them? Or have an easy process for making them? I have a kite stake with a neon yellow/green haired troll. O, and it is nekked. The rod is solid fiberglass, I think. I would like to make some more. I just need to find some nekked trolls with bright hair. But I would also like to make some with golfballs and put my own decals on them. Thanks in advance, Arns
  4. OMG!! I allow my daughter to have an account on Kitelife and Revolution and now she spends all her time online. I have unleashed a monster. I have been a member of multiple forums, for years, and very rarely post but I read them almost daily. I think on some of the sites she has already entered more posts than me. BTW thanks to all at WSIKF and other festivals that have helped. Also a huge thanks to Theresa from The Kite Shoppe. You are a super person. Thanks for all your encouragement. hahahahaha, I didn't know what that heart was either but that is a pretty cool little thing to add to your comments. Arns
  5. kitedog


    Aurora and I also had a great time. This was our 8th WSIKF. Also sending out a big thanks to all the IQUAD guys and all the guys and gals flying with them. Watty thanks for flying with my daughter and me, we had a lot of fun. Hope to see all of you soon. Arns
  6. AVery Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Arnold and Aurora
  7. I just got my first taste of indoor kite flying and it was a blast. And you get lots of exercise to boot. Well I did because of my lack of coordination and wasted movements, hehe. I flew an indoor rev, a rev 1.5 setup with super ultra light spars, and a Wren. Now I am ready to make an investment for some indoor kites. The great part is the kites will also be usable for no/low wind days outdoors. Penny - Just to make sure, your kite was a rev 1.5 with super ultra light spars? The question I have is which indoor dual line kite is the best investment - "most bang for the buck?" I have looked at the Wren and it is a very nice kite and I enjoyed flying it and it is currently on the top of my list for kites to purchase. But I have also looked at the Pro Wren, Level One Amazing, and VIP by Lam Haoc. I am not stuck on any one kite and I am open to other options. Does anyone know if the Sea Devil comes with indoor option setup? I love that kite and the graphics. (thanks to John for letting me fly his at WISKF) But I do not want to have a kite that I keep stuffed in my bag because I graduated to another level. Any suggestions with some pros and cons? Arns
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