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Baws last won the day on June 8 2019

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About Baws

  • Birthday 07/11/1960

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    Northeast PA.
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    United States
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  1. I just booked a room! I'm going. Hope the weather will be nice.
  2. Maryland International Kite Expo, who's going? Not much talk going on it's only 2 weeks away.
  3. Baws

    B'zar 2010

    My B'zar All Poly Framed with Skyshark 5PT and P2X
  4. It looks like he is doing Tie Chi and not controlling the kite, Amazing!
  5. Baws

    O-bam-a kite

    This would be great for target practice!
  6. I was just letting him know that there is a wide range available, I've bought and sold many kites and I totally agree with you on all your opinions. I did not like the Desire UL although it fly's very well in light wind I found it very hard to trick. ( not that I'm an expert) IMHO
  7. There are hundreds of good kites in that price range! for example: DREAM ON STUNT KITE--by Sky Dog 110.00 SWEET EMOTION-Stunt Kite-by-Sky Dog 162.00 CROSS FIRE-Stunt Kite--by -Sky Dog 125.00 NIK NAK no wind STUNT KITE by SKY BURNER 130.00 SILVER FOX 2.3 std STUNT KITE--by FLYING WINGS 125.00 ADDICTION STUNT KITE 75.00 WAHOO Freestyle STUNT KITE By SKY BURNER 150.00 ACROBATX STUNT KITE--by FLYING WINGS 82.00 ACROBATX UL STUNT KITE-by FLYING WINGS 150.00 HYPNOTIST FIRE STUNT KITE --by PRISM 126.95 Prism E2 139.00 All these kites would be a big improvement over your Jazz. Check Ebay, all the above prices include shipping
  8. Well he made it! and here is what I have to say. I think those loony judges finally get it. Stacked! Great idea. I've seen many kite performances, none of them can move me like Connor's does. His ability to interpret the music through his kite is wonderful. He deserves that standing ovation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWfSBxEyXtQ&feature=player_embedded
  9. "I never thought a teenager would make me cry so muh until I have one of my own, ah well, it's all good." It's a shame that the judges don't know the intense difficulty in flying that kite, they would appreciate Conner's performance more. I can't believe Sharon said she didn't know if he could handle a live performance. Every time you fly a kite you are giving a live show! That illiterate little rapping inmate wantabe couldn't bring a tear to my eye on his best day. SORRY for the Rant!
  10. What a great prize!
  11. I would love to have that kite!
  12. I know that there will be lots of people going, I'm just stirring the pot. quaa714, I would like to meet you, Cath spoke highly of you. I think it will be hard to know who is who unless we were wearing name tags or something crazy like that.
  13. Am I the only one going? It's only two weeks away!
  14. Who's going to the 25th Annual Wildwood International Kite Festival May 28, 31? Ill be there!
  15. I highly recommend Flying Smiles Kites! Located in Corolla, North Carolina. Cath & Elliott are more than willing to teach you to fly, without the pressure to buy. They made me a good deal on my first Rev, and it won't be the last one I purchase from them. http://www.flyingsmileskites.com/
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