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I've been looking for some new lines for my 2.0m foil and have seen line strengths quoted in kP, what is this unit please? The only one I can think of is kiloPascals but that's pressure not tensile strength. Help? p.s. found I needed the new lines after flying said foil after a long break and couldn't believe how boingy the lines were when compared to the Dynema supplied with my Yukon!
Hi Rob, sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I've been ridiculously busy lately! This is both handle sets, the placcy ones on the left and mine on the right. This is a closeup of the bottom showing the stake loops and heat shrink sleeving. This is the top leaders, showing the slight damage to the Duplon grips because I wrapped the leaders and some line around them to shorten the power lines so the ruddy kite'd fly! Final one of the finished articles, 12mm x 1.5mm wall stainless tube, machi8ned ali end caps and Duplon fishing rod-grip. They felt nice and seemed to control the kite better.
I flew my 4m foil, bought a couple of months back, for the first time last night. After realising that I couldn't get enough power line on, or enough brake off, for it to fly I ended up wrapping the leaders and part of the power lines round the handle tops and we were off. I have to say it was a great larf! I'm 16.5 stone and it would pick me up from lying down no problemo All I've got to do now is get some cord to make new leaders and I'll be hunting for a mountainboard As a p.s., I found I preferred the handles I'd made to the ones I bought off the internet. The homemade stainless ones are slightly shorter and don't oversteer the kite as much, so I'll probably get shot of the others.
Rob, 1 stone = 14 pounds. Therefore 16 stone 10lbs (my weight) = 234 lbs = HEAVY!!!!!! Thanks for the replies guys and thanks for the link John. Looks like I'd best start saving my pennies
Hi, I've decided I'd like to try kiteboarding as it looks like a laugh! I've got a 4m foil (flexfoil) and know I will have to get a helmet, what type of board would be best to start on? Are elbow/knee pads an optional extra or essential? Will a 4m foil be enough (I'm 6ft 5in and nearly 17 stone)? How often will I fall off before I get the hang of it ? Am I too old to start larking about with this sort of caper at 35 ?
I'm currently in the process of making a couple of old MIG welding wire reels into line winders. The plan is to maka small frame, similar to a garden hose reel, to mount them on but make them removeable so that I can change line weights depending on which SLK I've got in the air at any one time. The thought has occurred to me, however, that I may be in my usual apply-a-hi-tech-solution-to-a-low-tech-problem way, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut by engineering a very complex solution to a simple problem. It isn't really costing me anything as these are being made from items which were being thrown out but do I really need to go to these lengths? What do you all use for your line? Just to give you an idea I need to store 200m of 80kg & 200m of 135kg line. I've used plastic halo winders in the past and had them break, hence the welding wire reels. Anyone care to comment (photo's of yours would be good)?
I'd love to come to Long Beach, but Crowland UK to LB is a bit beyond me financially at the mo (sorry, didn't realise my profile was empty ). I've increased the angle of crank on my handles to about 50deg to see if that helps, and have ordered some Duplon fishing rod grip which is slimmer and more dense than the bike handlebar grips I had on, so I'll see if that helps. If not I might give in a buy a set from Revolution
Since I'm still a quad-flying infant I wind the top lines around one winder and the bottom around another. I might make some better winders as the ordindary ones don't have deep enough vees in either side to securely hold the line without the chance of it slipping off and tangling. This is especially true of the lines for my foil as they're so much bulkier and have already slipped off once. I'll have to dig some of that sheet ali out of my shed 'n get busy Regarding untangling, what has been said already I totally agree with, dont pull tangles, chast the knots and undo them. Oh, and never untangle if at all stressed or in a bad mood, you will end up in an argument with something/body or breaking your knuckles on a hard surface
My Shockwave was as pictured and, because I am learning to fly Revs with mine (first Rev) it is hitting the ground a lot First flight had it hitting the ground and popping the end caps out a tad. I then got a copy of the Rev training DVD (my SW was second-hand) and saw the end cap fixed as you describe. SO last night when I took it out for it's second flight with me I undid & retied the shock cord like that on the video. It is a bit of a bugger to get on but seems to hold the sail much tauter. I had a sublime 60 seconds of control amongst the crashes and walking out to reset the kite, AGAIN, so's I could re-launch it. DOes anyone tell you that a stake is essential kit when learning the SHockwave as I can't for the life of me get the launch-off-the-belly trick he shows in the DVD (grab the upper lines and pull sharply, Rev lifts off ground, pull brake lines to set sail into wind and up she goes) to work, can anyone else? I'm glad to see someone elses has the rubber rings round the end of the spars like mine does but the video one doesn't That apart, I'm desperately trying to speed up my reflexes to Neo-in-the-Matrix pace as that's what you seem to need to keep pace with the thing When I learn to control &, more important, dive-stop the thing I'm going to have LOTS of fun
So, am I emptying my bladder against the prevailing breeze trying to learn Rev flying with a Shockwave? I've not been on here for about a year and have bought a 2nd hand SW from a guy on Fractured Axel. I've since discovered the following: 1) Trying to learn to fly a SW in a turbulent wind is like trying to walk across the Humber bridge.........................suspension cables...............................carrying your children balanced one on each arm! 2) The only winds I seem to be getting at the mo are gusty and turbulent! 3) My control handles, made from plans on the 'net, aren't right for the SW. They need a 45 degree bend in them and may need shortening a little. 4) I'm chaning the grips on my handles as the ones I put on were too thick and didn't allow my thumbs to rest neatly against the tops of the handles, impeding my ability to brake the thing properly. 5) I've got to use more wrist when braking as it doesn't respond to gentle pressure like I've heard other Revs do. 6) I'm doubtless gonna end up with an SLE as well as this thing, whilst undoubtedly FAST! can't be flown every time you want to as it needs waaaay too much adrenaline I had a coupel of sublime moments last night (second flight with the Rev) but was starting to doubt my ability to learn how to fly a new kite. Tried my Yukon and found that was as bad so realised that (again) the wind was as steady as Mel Gibon falling our of a party. I#ll have to find me a nice, empty beach with a rock steady 8mph wind to try it in. I will not quit. I will not give up. I will master this beast!
Are there currently any major beach kiting festivals held in the UK, and if so where and when please? I'm not for a second saying that, due to the vagaries of job & family life I'd actually get to one but it'd be nice to know if there was one. Anyone help?
After having watched those videos I will be stalking every bit of cash I can get my hands on, deliberatrly tripping colleagues down flights of stairs at work so I can cover their absence on overtime, entering negotiations with Arabs traders for my wife and kids, selling anything not bolted down, will do ANYTHING to get the money to buy a Rev, and will then practice like hell on the vain hope that one day I might be 1/20th as good as those guys Mindblowing is all I can call it
An unused (so the current owner says) airbow, no connection with me I just spotted it the other days whilst 'window shopping'. Have a look here
The above mentioned is in SUffolk and only ever reasonably full, There were plenty of people flying stunters and kiddies single liners and a good steady breeze! When I eventually can afford a Rev/Airbow (can't make up my mind, might even get both ) and can actually trick the thing(s) I'll have to go back and show off (it's what I love doing moe than anything ) Other good beaches are Burnham, Holkham and Wells, all in Norfolk UK. Wells and Holkham are really one big beach linked up and if you walk far enough along you'll get to Burnham. Flat sand and good winds most of the year, ideal for stunt/trick/single line/power/traction/buggying/boarding, damn near eveything really! It also helps that the Norfolk coast is lovely, with lot's of nice villages and pubs (and delis springing up everywhere Who the hell heard of delis in Norfolk :confused!: ) Final one, Camber sands in Kent. When the tide's out it's huge!
Flew Eric again at the weekend and managed to shoot a couple of snaps whilst trying to restrain my father-in-law from letting all of the line out (Eric's got about 200m and the general height limit in the UK is 60m ). Also took one of the aeroplane kite the kids love to see flying. Eric in flight Aeroplane. Not vey close up, sorry. (my wife took this one so blame her!)
Hi, next weekend I'm due to fly my kite(s) at night for the first time and wanted to make a lighting rig for my Premier 11ft Bat so that his eyes light up! I've bought some high intensity LEDs and can wield a soldering iron, I was wondering if anyone had any website I could look at for advice or could offer tips on the best batteries to use as I don't want something that's too heavy for the poor thing to lift! Any ideas
I keep seeing mention of sleeved line sets on web ads for kite shops. Every kite I have owned thus far has not had any kind of sleeving on the lines (from what I can tell), so can someone enlighten an ignorant as to (a) what sleeving is and ( what it is for please? :confused!:
Link wouldn't work for me, can you hyperlink it? :confused!:
If you would be so kind as to let us know where to purchase plans, O god of all that is Cody-like, I for on ewould be for ever in your debt! Oh boy. all right Rick....oh god of cody's... we bow our heads as you fly into the distance hanging by your foot in the line as the Cody floats away.. oops got to go to lunch. lol BB Penny BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!
If you would be so kind as to let us know where to purchase plans, O god of all that is Cody-like, I for on ewould be for ever in your debt!
Oops, spot the flamin' newbie, I've only gone and posted this in the sport kites section. Can a mod please move it to the single line kites section?
Hello from the UK. Found this forum whilst looking for kite line winders on the 'net and thought I'd join! About me: Been kiting since knee high to a sparrows jacksie, courtesy of a friend of my fathers introducing us to the famous (ne infamous) Peter Powell diamond stunt kites. I was peeved to discover recently that they aren't made any longer as they really were a kite for all seasons. They'd fly in any weather (seemingly) they would do stunts and were as easy as breathing to fly so were great to teach beginners on. Maybe I'll have to acquire the production rights and start making them again? Anyway. now being an adult with a bit more disposable income I am determined to further my love of kites. I try to explain to people what it is I like, the simple childish pleasure gained from watching a single line kite hang on the breeze, the fun of steering a stunt kite around the sky etc and I think they get it, I'm not sure! Anyway, I now have a Didakites Cody 30, a Brookites sled, a delta of unknown providence which I have yet to fly really successfully and my most recent acquisition, a Premier Kites 11ft Flapping Bat called Eric. Eric was flown for the first time today in a filed near my house and motorists on teh road alongside were pointing and waving as Eric swooped and flapped about! Enough waffle, to the point. I have a plain tube spool for Eric's line and a Halo winder for the Cody's line. The tube spool is (obviously) only temporary and the Cody's halo winder is starting to come apart. Does anyone know of any plans onthe 'net for making your own winders? I woudl like to make a windlass type for the Cody's line, anyone point me to some plans? I spotted this which I thought would probably do for Eric, whaddya think?