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Wayne Dowler

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Posts posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Joe - yes it works even though you think it shouldn't. And the more you get used to that feeling, you will learn to get enough speed from things. Even my play time is usually centered around thoughts of team flying. Practicing moves that help me learn and hone my team skills. 

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  2. but at the same time you lose the fine control that many of us like about them. Being a team flier mostly, control is a very sought after thing! Speed is secondary in our needs. More important is the ability to launch and hover, more than straight line speed. If you just fly solo - pretty much anything goes, but in team flying - every one must play together!

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  3. What size anchor are you using? I remove the burr totally and the screw expands the anchor enough to hold it firmly in place. I use 8-10 anchors. You do need to gently tap them into the handle rods and putting the screw in, expands it even more. Done many sets and never a failure to hold!

  4. For you in the NW - Grant's Getaways airs today at 4 pm PST! Those not in the area, there should be links to the episode after it airs. I'll try to put them here too!

    As a side note - the several news bits we did have already gotten several to commit to trying indoor flying. We are going to have an "open house" at the soccer center Feb 15, 11-2 pm for those interested. 

    If you are in the Portland,OR area and interested in giving indoor flying a try - be a great time to give it a try. Kites provided - just bring yourself!

  5. Standard handles and leaders adjust by moving the flying lines from knot to knot. The Reflex handles I saw, adjusted by moving the leader through the handle. Are yours different? Or are you thinking of locking down your Reflex handles to one spot and using knots to adjust?

  6. On the Reflex handles - try going out as far on top from the handle tip as you can and work back towards it as you find your "sweet spot". Then as you get used to that, try letting them out a knot - unless you start all the way out! - and each time see how it works. You should find yourself pretty much out on them!! Haven't seen the latest version of the Reflex handles, so not too sure on the adjustments to those, I use snagless myself. Your other handles are easily converted to no-snag, takes less than an hour to do a pair. With practice I take less than a half hour.


  7. Try adding that step back! Tighten the lines and step back as you move the thumbs to launch position. The purpose of the longer top leaders is to give you back some of the control you lose by going too "in". Launching is just the start - why base all your setup around only one facet of flying??

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  8. Try going out as far as you can on the leaders. Try launching, if too hard or no go, move in a knot. Keep this up til you can launch. You may need to add a step back into your launch routine to make it work. Leaving the lines out towards the ends will increase your control, especially if the wind gusts. You take control, not let the kite do as it wants!

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  9. Not sure. I know they are pushing the Club 38 thing pretty hard again. How much info for beginners?? NO CLUE! I'm pretty sure there must be some info to help climb the levels in the program. but how much is sent with the kite? 

  10. While the kite can fly in those winds - there are a few drawbacks to doing so. 

    1 - The sail stretches. In higher winds you'll usually use a stiffer frame that flexes less. Where do all the stresses go? You got it - right in the sail/ Fly in big winds and you will get it out of shape and guess what - there is no going back!

    2 - Loss of control. You will find as you get a vented, that the vents will smooth things out. The gusts or high winds don't make the kite "jumpy". Much easier to maintain control. That is why all the types within a model, as a team flier we strive to get equal response to everyone's kite. Having the different sails allows us to match our equipment to the day's conditions better and make our flying experience better, not just hanging on! 

    3 -  Once you experience a vented kite, you'll probably look forward to windier days. Venteds are so much fun to fly!

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  11. With an entire indoor soccer field at our disposal, this one day event will not include demonstrations or special guests - instead, the focus will be providing ample space all day for everyone who attends (field can accommodate between 7-10 fliers at one time, depending on average skill level... In short terms, there is TONS of space and everyone can get in a lot of flight time on various kites. :)


    The entire space is being rented just for the fliers ($500 for the day) and *there is a cover charge of $25 for anyone 16 and older* so 20 participants will have us break even, any small excess will be donated to the World Kite Museum, if there is a larger number of registrations then the money will be applied toward a future, similar event for the fliers.

    If you would like to attend, please contact Wayne Dowler for payment info - there is a **deadline of March 15th**... Late registration (before March 31st) goes up to $30 for the day.


    Wayne: "I have a paypal account linked through my email - wodowler@gmail.com - please send any payment as "gift, friend or family" otherwise paypal takes a small amount out for fees."

    Hope to see you there!

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