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About Steve

  • Birthday 08/08/1951

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Brookings/Harbor Oregon
  • Country
    United States
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Member (2/7)



  1. John I like the issues the way they are too. I think doing it through the forum will end up taking the magazine away from Kitelife. Also it doesn't give a new person to Kitelife a chance to see the articles right up front. Steve
  2. That would be Great! A little more than a Month before the Festival. What a Warm Up!! If you want, you know you have a place to stay!! Steve
  3. John Going through Brookings on the way home? If you have the time, give us a call. Steve and Trish
  4. The Southern Oregon Kite Festival went off without a hitch this last weekend. We had great wind. some of the best flying we have ever seen with record crowds watching. Thanks to all the flyers for coming and making this the BEST festival ever. I know we seem to say that every year, but for some reason it just gets better and better. Steve
  5. Got SOKF pretty well wrapped up, and have made my reservation at the RV Park; serviced thr travel trailer. Can't wait for a week of Great Flying ! Steve
  6. Sorry to say that March is not very good for me. I didn't know anything about the Team clinic in May. That sounds like something I might be able to do. Where can I find out about it ? Steve
  7. Great routine ! I hope you guys can do it at Brookings. Steve
  8. "Featured" was a bad word to use. I should have said "This Picture" was used in the article. I don't really think you want to read an article about what happened in this small town last year. Steve
  9. Hey John Reading the paper here in Brookings today, and who do I see; Takako. She was featured in an article on the Year in review. Steve
  10. J. D. Happy Birthday to you!! Going to miss you at the Labor day Fun Fly! Hope you are having fun. Steve
  11. What a GREAT time!!!! This has to be one of the best festivals we have ever had! We did an unofficial count of spectators on Saturday, and the best estimate was about 5,000 in attendance. That's huge for Brookings. This is a very small venue. Many thanks to all the great flyers for helping make this such a success. Steve
  12. Jim I sure hope to be in Crescent City on Labor Day weekend ! Hope to see you there. Now for the latest weather update. They are calling for Northerly winds and a warming trend. One station is reporting possible 90s. I hope they are wrong about the 90s, 70 to 79 is great ! Steve
  13. Here we go again! It's all coming together great. Last week we had record temps. 108 deg. on the worst day and an average of 97 for the rest of the week. This week we are back to normal, Fog and light winds. The fog cleared up by about 10 or 11 this morning. Thank god the heat is over! Looking foward to it. Steve
  14. All I can say is WOW ! It was a great learning experience ! Sunday I was so tired I had to quit early. Flying pretty much non stop from 10 am to 4 pm Friday and Saturday really took it out of me. Can't wait for the next one. It was great flying with so many Rev flyers at the same time. Steve
  15. Change in plans for me. I map quested my trip, and it's at least an 8/9 hour drive for me, so I'm heading up Thursday. See ya all on the beach! Steve
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