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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Rev 1.5 SLE, Rev Blast
  • Flying Since
    Duals since 1995, Quads since 01/06
  • Location
    Ridgecrest, CA
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Mountain biking, Geocaching, and Kites (go figure).
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  1. I've left the downbridles on.
  2. Hmmm... I tore my rotary cuff about a year ago on a mountain bike. I'm due for surgery next month. I've flown the Blast a few times in some pretty stiff wind and my shoulder didn't feel bad at all.
  3. I asked a similar question a month or so ago. John recommended the Kiteshoppe and I called them. Theresa was a big help. You'll love the way it flies after it's lightened up.
  4. I use a winder for each handle and I leave the handles attached. Putting four lines on a single winder was just taking me too much time.
  5. Yeah... the trailing wing drags a bit. I'm still working on a good horizontal slide with the 1.5. Oddly enough, the Blast is what gave me some clues about flying that maneuver. The Blast responds so well, that I can make the trailing wing rise or fall at will. Still working on the technique with the 1.5. It's more sluggish in this regard than the Blast, I think.
  6. Inverted.
  7. Other than the better handling in lower wind, the biggest thing I noticed was the decreased inertia. It's much easier to stop a spin than it was with the SLE. I had a tendency to overcontrol and with the lighter rods it's much more responsive to changes in direction. On the other hand, the SLE is hard to slide. Replacing the rods didn't make the slides easier. In fact, they seemed more difficult than before. I'm going to have to try it again with the large rods to be sure. Slides on the 1.5 are something I'm still working on so I am far from the expert. ...and one last thing... flying reverse is easier.
  8. I got the new rods this evening. I quickly rushed out to give them a try. Wow... completely different kite with the new rods. Thanks Theresa!
  9. Well... I just got off the phone with the KiteShoppe. The rods are on the way.
  10. Rev 1.5 SLE Rev Blast
  11. Thanks all... I think I get it now... what I need is a 0.25 x 31in. w/ 2 ferrules and 2 0.25 x 31in. rods for a Rev 1.5. Are the standard endcaps compatible?
  12. ...and that's the difficulty. As near as I can tell, terms like 2-wrap, 3-wrap, and 4-wrap are used by experienced flyers. I looked Kitty Hawk and couldn't find parts. I really hate their site. I looked on GWTW and found parts, but when it comes to spars, I'm lost. Same goes for Into The Wind. Lots of rods, but I don't know what I should be looking for. http://intothewind.com/shop/Repair_and_Kitemaking
  13. John mentioned that it's possible to lighten up the Rev 1.5 SLE by going with lighter spars. Which spars do you recommend and who sells them online?
  14. I double checked and I was wrong. The down bridle is attached to the outer bridle point.
  15. Hmmm... now I'm sure I probably screwed up the terminology. According to the paperwork, the kite was set in "Ready-to-Fly sensitive mode". I connected the flying lines to the inner/lower bridle points. The down bridle was also attached to this same point. After a bit, I attached the flying lines to the outer bridle points and left the down bridle attached to the inner bridle point as it had been from the factory. I'm going to have to take another look at it when I get home, but IIRC, the inner and outer bridle points are attached to one line (per side). This line ends at the bottom of each vertical spar.
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