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Russ Wilson

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Everything posted by Russ Wilson

  1. Thanks Wayne - I'd definitely prefer to use Adobe After Effects over Adobe Animate (the old Flash Pro). The only downside is After Effects is $20/month - a bit pricey if you don't have other uses for it.
  2. Wow, that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. As with many other things, Watty has far exceeded what I was able to do. I'd be really interested to know what software he used to put that together and how much effort it was.
  3. I've been looking at both - short maneuvers (elements) as building blocks that can be combined into more complex routines (choreography). My eventual goal is to build out full routines with music - I think that will be easier for us to learn and master. It really helps for us to see all three of our kites in motion at the same time. While I am not a fan per say of Flash videos, I am open to switching to Adobe Animate if we can get a community building reusable maneuvers. If I continue to go it alone I will probably stick with SynFig Studio. I really like your last question - is it something people need? When there were no responses I started thinking I may be an anomaly in this area, and most teams use more on-the-fly techniques like JB does. I'm really interested to see if others are using any tools like this.
  4. I didn't really intend to suggest we consider non-carbon spars, but since we've gone down that path folks might be interested in the following article from a few years ago: https://newatlas.com/cellulose-nanocrystals-stronger-carbon-fiber-kevlar/23959/ Even if there wasn't any advantage to strength, I like the renewable potential for using wood materials. I hate the thought that I just sent the remnants of my Diamond frame to the landfill - probably take 100+ years for them to start decomposing.
  5. They were sold prior to the Green Label rods - probably 2013-2015 time frame.
  6. There are lots of shaft options out there. The rods I fly with the most are my two sets of "Black" Race rods - I really hope I never break those because they are wonderful.
  7. The Phoenix Ash is made by Bazzer in Australia - if you got used to the Revolution Pro the Phoenix is a great way to go. I thoroughly love my set of Phoenix's.
  8. Lisa, I'm flying a Phoenix Ash for low wind conditions. Was referring to the Green Label Diamond shafts I have - the ones Revolution seemed to have quality control issues with. The wind gust that broke my spar today might have been over spec - meaning my fault. However, I suspect part of the problem traces back to the Green Label spars.
  9. You are right Wayne - only 5/16" with springs. Doh!
  10. Yeah, I read similar comments about the Diamond vs P100 in a separate forum post. Since I can't get Greenie replacement rods, I'm curious about the new Diamond rods - I see them on The Kite Shoppe website with the description "Black Diamond shafts are back, and better than ever!" Does anyone have experience with the new and improved Diamond rods version 2.0?
  11. Actually it's not too far fetched. In some areas (like cycling) they are finding woods like bamboo offer some interesting possibilities. I think the vertical spar I broke today was because of compression forces - bamboo might have fared better. Plus, I can fabricate my own wooden spars in the garage a whole lot cheaper than a $110 Diamond frame.
  12. I'm curious if anyone else uses software to diagram their team routines? When we fly with JB there is no need to do this since he does a great job leading - making routines up on-the-fly so to speak. His style is very organic and flows naturally - I'm not quite there yet. When we fly alone, my family finds it better to have a known pattern we are trying to accomplish. This is probably because I'm not very good calling maneuvers, but it is also helpful to have a visual diagram to supplement verbal descriptions. I'm familiar with Reed Designs work: https://reeddesign.co.uk/kites/stack/#QuadTeam Unfortunately, those animations are not easy to extend and I'm not a big fan of Flash. Wondering if anyone else has attempted to do something similar - especially on a team level? I've been playing with a package called SynFig Studio and have gotten some basic routines outlined. It might be nice if we had a community of people approaching the problem in a similar way and sharing their efforts.
  13. Thanks guys - sounds like P-100's are the way to go. Didn't have my set of them with me today - wish I could have put them in this afternoon to see how they behaved compared to the Green Diamond frame.
  14. Unfortunately, I bought a couple of frames during the time Rev was selling their Green Things. Had a diamond frame set in my Ash but I've never really pushed it - until today it has only been flown in really low 0-3 MPH winds. We went flying today and the wind was low but had a few gusts (probably 8-10mph). I launched the Ash and before I made it into the wind window I heard snap-snap-snap. One of the vertical spars broke in 3 places. Before I could get the kite on the ground the center LE spar snapped on me. I was really surprised by how fast this happened. So, I'm sitting here wondering what I should order to replace the diamond frame? It looks like the options are: New Diamond frame ver 2.0 Sky Shark P-90's Sky Shark 2P's What are most people flying in their Phoenix Ash's for low wind?
  15. Wow - thanks everyone. This is exciting - really looking forward to some air time with the new kite.
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