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Everything posted by Hoodoo

  1. Looks like they've updated the website. The above is a dead link. Just a heads up.
  2. Was asked if I was a professional flyer. Gues I've made it to the intermediate level?

  3. Back in Oct. at the Enid convention, I won a stack of 24ish Skyfox. They vary in condition, but I was able to get 12 strung together. Now I need to figure out how to connect it to lines. This is my first stack so I'm very new to this. Can I get some help with control bar parameters? And maybe a pic of the bar? I don't think there is a control bar in the bag but I'll look this evening. And, in a 10-15mph wind how strong a pull can I expect? They are small about 24" wing span. Thanks any help/advice would be appreciated. Monte I posted this at the end of a thread on the GWTW site, http://www.gwtwforum.com/index.php?topic=9638.msg87133#msg87133 and wondered what you guys had to add?
  4. Getting ready to head out for the 8th Annual Perrin, Tx Kite Festival.

  5. What is it like on the dark side? Does adding lines add to the addiction?
  6. http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/columns/joe-holleman/did-you-see-rush-at-a-kshe-kite-flying-contest/article_c27ee9ee-24a1-5738-9d07-ff964aa3cba3.html If you're a Rush fan you'll enjoy the photos. http://cygnus-x1.net/links/rush/concert-stlouis-04.13.1975.php
  7. Would this be the right time to get a second subscription?...Hmmmm...J/K. Congratulations, Tim
  8. That would be the best way to end a hectic day.
  9. Hoodoo

    The Beginning

  10. Hoodoo

    flame kite

    From the album: The Beginning

    Playing around with pic gfx on my phone.

    © Monte McClanahan

  11. From the album: The Beginning

    My cubicle kite, built out of love and boredom.

    © Monte McClanahan

  12. Had a really good time in Enid. Got to meet a bunch of new friends...still grinning.

  13. Just stopped in to say hey...HEY.

  14. Hoodoo


    @ Dust- It flies like a tank and has some pull to it as well. I've had it for a couple of months but was unable to fly it until recently. @ Must86- While it was INDEED too hot to fly most of the time, I was able to get some time in on my other kites...BUSTED rods on 2 of my 3 trick kites. But I have a couple of tricks in my bag now. I guess I'm just waiting to fill a "big" order at Goodwinds.com
  15. Finally, my control room is finished!

  16. Drool...drool...drool

  17. Oh! I don't want that one. I don't have a quad-line yet...the dark side??? It would only start another wishlist. (Does reverse psychology work on the RNG?)
  18. What are the (approx) wind speeds in the above video?
  19. http://www.greatfall...lark-expedition This link is the story with pics. Kites tell stories of Lewis and Clark expedition 4:04 AM, May. 30, 2012 DEDICATION TODAY The opening dedication of the "Visions of Lewis and Clark" kite exhibit will begin at 2 p.m. in the front lobby of the Great Falls International Airport. The kites rose on gossamer strings, slowly ascending to fill the airy expanse above the airport's concourse. Standing on the floor below, Terry Zee Lee carefully judged the height and position of every one, making sure each kite was afforded the space and lighting it deserved. "Even though I did a site plan before, it never works out to be the same until you get to the site and start hanging them," she said. "But this is going very quickly and very smoothly." Zee Lee is founding director of SkyWindWorld, a Billings-based nonprofit that promotes the beauty and artistry of kites through public exhibits and community workshops across the Northwest. Today, during an opening ceremony that begins at 2 p.m., Great Falls International Airport and the City of Great Falls will celebrate the arrival of "Visions of Lewis and Clark," an exhibit of 27 kites that will grace the airport's concourse and the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center for the next three months. Far more than larger versions of the simple kites stocked on variety store shelves in spring, each of these kites uses fabric and color to tell a story drawn from the journals of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. To create the kites, some of the most talented kite makers from across the U.S. and Canada were given a short passage from the journals and asked to interpret it using the curves and colors of an aerodynamically engineered, working kite. "Visions of Lewis and Clark" was first conceived for display at Billings Logan International Airport in celebration of the Lewis and Clark bicentennial. The collection has since drawn interest from institutions from Oregon to Kentucky. Zee Lee said Great Falls is the fourth community to display the kites, with four more shows already scheduled and five or six more communities negotiating for their opportunity to show the kites. "With the amount of interest we're getting, we are going to be along the whole Lewis and Clark trail before too long," Zee Lee said. At today's opening ceremony, Lee will give a short presentation on some of the kites' subtleties. "I'll be talking a little bit about the history of kites, and then more specifically about how this display came about, plus my own thoughts about Lewis and Clark and the importance of the expedition," she said. "I will also be talking about the education component of this." Not only can kites be viewed as beautiful works of art, they can also be used as an education tool. SkyWindWorld introduces children to the art of kite making through regularly schedules visits from knowledgeable kite makers at schools, community workshops, children's museums and summer camps. "Our program teaches math, science, history, aerodynamics, engineering, art, plus patience and persistence," said Zee Lee. "That is the underlying purpose of all of this." The Lewis and Clark Interpretative Center will host a kite-building program for children on Aug. 11. Admission will be free for Interpretive Center members, and $5 per child for nonmembers.
  20. Cool music to a cool session.
  21. Hoodoo


    Homemade stuff
  22. Hoodoo


    From the album: Homemade

    Added tape to the tent poles. Looks better from a disitance.

    © Monte McClanahan

  23. Hoodoo


    From the album: Homemade

    Added tape to the tent poles.

    © Monte McClanahan

  24. Serious help needed: is there a support group or something for people who can't stop buying kites? Fixing to get another one. A prism flashback off of Craig'slist for $41 shipping included. Flown only once(so they say) and the pics look very good. SOMBODY STOP ME PLEASE.

  25. Hoodoo


    Different source...more info. http://www.military.com/news/article/military-testing-helikite-for-afghan-skies.html
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