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West Australian

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Everything posted by West Australian

  1. SparkieRob: Keeping an extra watchful eye on the Mega... But you are welcome to borrow it at any time Nice Horvath Glider Photos dashgee, I hope to get a Horvath one day. Great Pictures Dayhiker, awesome space for set-up kites in that car. Thanks for sharing. Great to hear you are gliding with us Amexpmh. Zero-G and iFlite are a great combo. Here is my Day 10 offering, Fusion iFlite II in a Park near my work.
  2. Thanks for the pictures and video mystainedskin. Thanks for the pictures dashgee. Airbourne shots can be hard to get, I really appreciate everyone's efforts. It's never too late for someone else to join in. Any pictures, video or stories would be appreciated. My day 9 shot is flying the Mega-Plutz 2013 in a local land reserve.
  3. Thanks dashgee the P3 is an awesome glider. Nice twin vent. I have not had the pleasure of flying one of those. My pic for today is a family photo. I spent more than an hour wandering the house flying each of these in turn. No inflight picture could capture them all, so I had to go with a group shot.
  4. Awesome pics. Thanks dashgee Here is my next pic. The awesome Plutz 3, in the backyard
  5. Nicely Done Reef Runner! Top marks for that solution.
  6. Like this: (If you look real close you can see the rev...)
  7. I landed my Rev on a Balcony Edge. That's like a Wall. Picture will follow when I get it......
  8. Thanks for posting my day 6 Picture Rob. It was tough flying there. There were a lot of gusts, and it was easy to catch the sculptures. Zero G is pretty good at handling wind. Still I got a few nice glides between them
  9. Awesome pic dragonfish, great to have you join in. I am posting day 5 at the 11th hour. After a long day of things dragging me down, the half hour on my iPrey was wonderful This is in my kitchen at home.
  10. Years ago I perfected my first Dual line Slackline Tricks. I would have people approach me asking why my kite was so "Unstable" and suggesting I use a Tail on the kite to steady it out. "To Stop it flipping over and spinning like that...." I even had one helpful fellow offer to make me a tail out of a plastic shopping bag. But every time I had some long tails on and just zoomed around. I would get lots of people watching and commenting on how great a pilot I was. Freestyle Slackline is not everything. Old-school has its place too.
  11. Nice pictures, thanks for sharing. I got a chance to fly this awesome iPrey Fusion in the Factory/Warehouse today. I have to go back to gliding now
  12. Welcome to Kitelife LAJStudios. That's 2 great kites you have there my friend (I have them too). Excellent choices. Great to have you here
  13. Sweet! Thanks for joining in dashgee! Great shots, the stadium is a brilliant looking backdrop, glad you had your kite with you. Your backyard shot looks very similar to mine. Well day 3 was a late flight for me. Well after dark under the street lights in my front yard. I got in a nice half hour
  14. Backyard flying for day 2. Flying for only a few min so far. But I will make an hour of it.
  15. Great to hear you are joining in. Gliders can be a bit like that, they don't seem like much when you first look at them, but they can really capture you. You are on the right photography track, I snapped a dozen or so shots to get today's one. I decided to start out simple. iFlite in my spare room, a small kite for a small room. I got about an hour of flight time and this picture:
  16. Hard to tell without pictures... I have put a loop around the Tail Velcro on a couple of Prism Kites. It has always held up enough If yours has a Shock absorber like the Hypnotist you can still use the spine. I use to attach where the pen is pointing in this pic:
  17. Ok, I have had an idea. I want to use my gliders more, they are very easy to forget when I have wind to fly something else. I have decided that I will glide Every day for the 31 Days of March. I will focus mainly on my iFlite Family, But I will get them all out at some point. Each day I will upload a new Picture or Video of that day. I will also try to get a new location each day to keep things fresh. I Invite everyone out there to Join in and Glide, then Post something up here. Don't let the gliders remain forgotten. So who's In, and who's interested in watching?
  18. I got this idea in the Chat Room, Pictures of Kites Landed on or flying against Walls. Pink Floyd Music in the head is optional. Here is my picture to start it:
  19. West Australian

    Wall Landing Rev

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    A Screen Grab taken from my recent Urban Flight Video
  20. Indeed Paul the distraction problem did cross my mind. I commented on such concerns in the roadside flying thread. This spot is fairly hidden from the road by those trees. Given that every park I can fly at is bordered by roads, I don't see it ever being risk free. In a world where people sue each other over the stupidest things my only risk free choice is to stay home. So I choose to take the chance and have a fly
  21. New Video to Add..... A little Urban Trek for me. The winds were really strange, With the trees, Traffic and Building. I kept getting pushed around and spent most of the time trying to keep control. Well let me know what you think:
  22. Out of your list I have flown: Prism 3D, Prism 4D, Prism Zephyr and Revolution Zen. The 3D and 4D are great Very Low wind Dual line kites, The Airwave Zero is another nice example. The Zephyr is great in low wind and was my go to kite for those conditions. I had a chance to fly a Friends (MGower) Zen, It is a nice big wing that I found slightly less work to fly than my B standard. But certainly not for zero wind for me. It will all come down to skill for flying in light wind. They don't fly themselves. Well the Mega-Plutz comes close. But you didn't ask about single line gliders.....
  23. Oh Yeh, it was a dead wind day. The Spinner on the wind meter, wasn't even turning.
  24. Here is a Video of a Good Mate Flying his Rev Indoor.
  25. Didn't want to start a new topic.... Some Video of Me flying the iFlite Vented while I await the iPrey. Caution, contains images of my Hairy Mug!!!!!! https://vimeo.com/87141662
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