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Everything posted by bbailey49

  1. I apologize for the delay. This is taking far longer to put together than I expected.
  2. I'm working on putting together a drawing prize for Josh. I hope to have something posted soon. - Barton
  3. New drawing is up. Locking this one down. You all rock!
  4. My opinion on the kites, though is that they are really smooth in lower winds, but because they don't have any structure (seams running sideways and vertically) they seem a little mushy to me. Not as snappy.
  5. I'm certainly not accusing them of making smart decisions.
  6. Rev does not appear to be making a secret of the fact that they are squeezing every penny they can get out of the business. Printed sails and the prices they are charging are a part of that. I agree with you, there's no way it costs as much to fab a printed sail kite as it does a NYM. But, hey, if people will pay it, why not charge it?
  7. The new drawing is posted. Get over there Karma fans and get in.
  8. Mike, you are the man! Thank you for your generous contribution to the Karma cause. JB, as always you are the man!
  9. First, just looking through Happyspoon's posts, it seems to me that he jumped into Kitelife with both feet and was looking for all of the information he could and was trying to be a genuine part of the community. I believe he understood the Karma drawing system, and I refuse to believe his failure to post a drawing is in any way malicious. I hope you all join me in that sentiment. Like John said, I believe that this is a case of life rearing its ugly head and I hope that nothing bad has befallen our most recent winner. That being said, I have recommended to JB and our drawing volunteer that we proceed with a new drawing. I know what 1 part of the prize is, but I have no idea what the rest is, so I wait with baited breath along with the rest of you. In the meantime, fly something, learn a new trick, perfect an old one, or just get into your happy place sending the troubles of your world down that kite line to be scattered in the breeze.
  10. I've been trying to get in touch with @Happyspoon to inquire if assistance is needed with the new drawing. I haven't gotten a response yet. I'll keep trying so we can keep the Karma rolling. -B
  11. According to some emails that have been shared, it will be Randy Tom.
  12. Learned more in one morning of flying and eating a tasty sandwich than in every video I watched up to that point, thanks to you good sir.
  13. @Bazzer and @Scout, would one of you perhaps like to drop some detailed info on the Phoenix Pros here. Being a mechanical engineer, I'm kinda curious about some of the design attributes and how they affect the flight compared to the B-Pros. Thought one of you might want to drop a little insider info on here for us quadheads. Just a thought. https://www.facebook.com/groups/155150467832504/permalink/1317884161559123/
  14. Into the Wind has a pretty good bag too. 2 different sizes/lengths. External Pockets for linesets, and I think a couple of internal pockets too.
  15. I'm in! @Nick Russell, the Stylus 2.8 is coming your way if I win. Actually, you can have the Stylus 2.8, but you have to come pick it up in Tennessee.
  16. Oh that is tempting. I've always been intrigued by the Delta Hawk.
  17. It's like JB says. Something related to kiting is the only rule. Obviously Revs draw larger groups than other drawings, but we've had non kites draw some pretty large entries as well. There is not a limit (high or low) on prize value. Just check back through the old drawings and see if something inspires you. All are welcome to enter, no subscription required.
  18. This will be a great addition to my meager dual line connection
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