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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Prism Quantum Pro, Rev Shockwave & SuperSonic
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    Long Beach, WA
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  1. Wow, I'm sold! Sounds great...... PM me with that link too please. John
  2. Thanks Rob, I'll check on that
  3. Unfortunately, my brother said he would take the kites. I didn't think you were interested anymore, sorry John
  4. Hadge, these lines are probably at the least 4 yrs old, maybe more. Time flies 2. Thanks Amexpmh, I kinda like what I've been hearing and reading about the Skybond.
  5. Sounds like LC was good. The "ratcheting" feel starts at about 3-4 wraps and gets noticeably worse after that esp if I add excessive wraps by trying to unwind the wrong way. John
  6. Thanks Wayne, I have noticed a kind of "ratcheting" feel when there are more than just a couple of wraps. Haven't noticed any fuzzy stuff though. I'm not at that team flying level either. BTW how did Lincoln City go? John
  7. OoO yea, I can only imagine the "ball" you would have if it wasn't inside the sock.... Thanks Pete, I didn't realize fluorescent light gave off UV. John
  8. I like that, washing with the socks, pretty cool
  9. Hey, no problem at all. I got them out of the bags and I got an "itch" I haven't been able to scratch yet.
  10. Nice, Thats kinda what I was thinking. I'm still flying kites with line that is 4-5 yrs old. Seems to be okay still :->
  11. Hi, I did manage to get both kites out and open them up. Both kites are in like new condition, the colors on the sails are still sharp and vibrant. The bridles look like new as well. All I did to the bags was wipe them down with a dry towel. A link to an old advertisement from a wind of change kites-- www.awindofchange.com/crossfire2.html also this -- www.awindofchange.com/beamer3.html I know the info is old...gives you an idea tho. If you are still interested, PM me with an offer and I'll see how close we are on price. I have some pics I can email too. John
  12. Mark, I don't have a clue. I'll research that. Maybe I'll check out that power kite forum as well....Don't want to give them away, don't want to take advantage of you either.. John
  13. I'd like to get opinions, (just for my own curiosity) what is the shelf life of spectra or any other line for that matter. Like to hear from the "regulars / Long time fliers" or anyone with an opinion? yes I know what they say about opinions BUT this is kite stuff ) Is there any way to tell if the line is still safe to use for the kite and others? John
  14. Well my estimate was a little off. Both still have the manuals in them and they are 2006 models. One is a Beamer 5.0 the other one is a Crossfire 3.2. I think the plan was to fly the 3.2 until we were comfortable and then buggy the 5.0. They both appear to be in excellent shape still. both have lines and handles, and are in "backpack" style bags. I don't want to get your hopes up too high. I still would like to take them out of the packs and make sure there has not been any mold or critter ( mice and squirrels ) damage to the sails. Doesn't appear to be any. If you are still interested. Work again tomorrow, always takes longer to do things than you expect, but I wanted to get this to you before it got late on your time. john
  15. Ok, I have a good idea where they are, it shouldn't be too dangerous, I'll take a cell phone in with me just in case. Seems to me they are Beamers, also pretty sure they are close to what you are looking for. I'm on U.S. Pacific time, so I should be home 5:30 ish local. I'll post a reply as soon as I know, I will take them out of the bags and see what the condition is too, weather permitting, it's been raining off and on today... not that I will melt, just don't want to get the kites wet.
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