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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Rev 1.5 SLE
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Washington DC
  • Country
    United States
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  1. Once finals are over and done with we'll have more time. How early is early btw...?
  2. Is this raffle on again? It was kinda confusing as it appears to start last year.
  3. Yep, looking to have a reliable kite that can fly in the dead of DC summer. My wife and I will have to take you up on the offer and come out one of these Sundays. Thank you!
  4. What is OPK?
  5. I completely agree but this wouldn't be my first REV, just a new one. Also, I'm not really comfortable flying other people's kites so I was hoping someone could direct me to the best outdoor low/very low wind REV out there.
  6. Hi Everyone, Looking to buy a new REV but I really need something that can fly in near zero wind (DC goes dead as the summer comes up). But I wanted to get something fun and fast too if that's possible. I was thinking the Reflex XX (0-26 mph ). Any recommendations, experience, or advice? Supersonic looks fun but I didn't see a wind range on the description.
  7. I get it now. Just wanted to make sure I was looking at the right area.
  8. I tried to pull up the location on Google Maps. Let me know if this is the right parking lot. I see three walkways, an upper, middle, and lower.
  9. What string lengths to bring? 75'? 120'? Also, would a STD (non-vented) be ok or would one need a mid/full vent to fly at this event?
  10. Praying to RNGesus
  11. Some pictures I was able to snap from Saturdays festivities. Happy to see some Rev's in the mix! http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/album/412-522015-atlantic-coast-kite-festival-virginia-beachva/
  12. What: 11th annual Atlantic Coast Kite Festival When: May 2, 2015 from 10am - 4pm Where: Virginia Beach, VA (between 16th and 18th street on the beach) Website: http://www.beachstreetusa.com/festivals/atlantic-coast-kite-festival Hope to see some of you there!
  13. Are there any clear pictures someone can link on what exactly the bridle *should* look like? Mine has a few knots and loops and I have no idea if its correct or not. Thanks!
  14. TOR browser could be a possible solution. Blue Coat and BrightCloud categorize the forum and homepage with the same value ('Sports/Recreation' and 'Entertainment & Arts' respectively)
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