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Penny has mentioned using a type of slip knot on the leaders coming off the handles as opposed to putting knots at set intervals. I was hoping someone could elaborate on that, perhaps post a picture. I couldn't quite figure it out from the discussion I read.




For an adjustment line, say 6" as an example. It can be shorter or longer, deepening on your preference.

Slip the line through the top of your handle and lay them side by side.

(You can use your forefinger as a brace while you practice) We'll call this our 1st. Loop even though it's not knotted at the bottom.

1) Looking down at the two parallel lines, take the right line under and over the left line.

2) Take the right line under and over the right line again.

It should now have two small loops over the left line.

3) Take the right line through the back of Loop 1. (Between the handle and the knot you're making. Kind of like the through the rabbit hole, but backwards)

4) Take that right line over the first small loop and under the second small loop that you made with the right line over the left line.

Pull it snug. When pressure is on it, it stays in place. When pressure is released, it slides. Your line holds it on spot. Sliding your line off the knot a little allows you to slide the knot. Much easier then adjusting knots, even with a pigtail on your lines for a quick pull and slide.

I like to put a security knot on the end of my left line. It will keep the knot from sliding off, should the knot slide down.

Sam Ritter taught us that at Nationals one year. He fly's stacks of Rev's . It's a great knot for Rev.'s. It's my kite's gears. This knot is easily adaptable to the loop that I've seen coming out with the new Rev.’s in the North West. :gathering: Everyone says it's like the Prussic (?)

The right line goes under and over the left line twice and up through the back of the top loop and through the second small loop.

Hope that helps. Somewhere there will be info and pictures of this knot with only 5 sentances. :) Someone else want to explain? :) Try it, it’s great.




Thanks, Penny! I'm still trying to visualize how to do it exactly. I know if would be a pain in the butt, but would it be possible to snap a photo or two of the later steps? Not quite seeing how the knot gets locked in place.

Thanks for your help!



Was waiting for something to compile at work (programmer), so I pulled off my shoelace and gave this knot a go. ;) Think I figured out what you were describing. Sweet! I'm going to change my handles to do this first chance I get.

Thanks for the help!


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