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I know everybody wants to be in Iowa, but... :dual:

I can't think of another reason to WANT to be in Iowa than the AKA... :)

Life goes on for those of us stuck at home, in the rain, with no wind...

If it would stop raining I might try that leaf blower thing... :huh:

Might go to the sewing machine store...

Probably sew my fingers together... :blink: I hate it when that happens...

Did I mention that the forum is BORING... :sq-sad:

and there is no wind...

Grandma!! Will you hold the leaf blower for me, Please!


I'm glad you made it back OK... Better late than never...

I watched a news story this morning about the airlines overselling again.

I AM thinking about a sewing machine... got to do something in our 40mph blizzards :dual: I'm supposed to be a creative guy or at least I used to be in film and video. Any hints on a machine that will do a good zigzag and shorten my pants?


I'm thinking about buiding a Rev with 1/2" copper tubing frame and I have an old Columbia parka that I don't wear anymore... should keep the kite warm :dual:

:) Hi Grandpa it was great to get to know you at Seaside. As far as sewing machines it took me a year of recearch to find the one i wanted. I now have a pfaff. Their is a big resorce on this subject at kitebuilder.com they talk about issues of what to look for. Such as Vertical bobins being better than a horizontal bobbin due to tension issues and such. let me know it i can help ya more in your search. As for the now wind indoor time try the mini dome that would be fun. take care. :P

Hey Todd...

Good idea on the Mini Dome... I heard there was a storm front on the forty-yard-line.

Got a Brother sewing machine for my birthday. Guess I can ruin some good ripstop and make a tail unless I'm too bad then I'll call it a bag. (grin)

When you coming this way?


Not to sure could be thanksgiving or Christmas but will let ya know when I know. Good luck with the tail or kite bag. ISU recreation does have heavy ripstop.


Look forward to seeing you again!

I'll check with the rec dept. I guess you don't like my old parka for a sail haha.

A few of us, Dean at Sunrise Kites, and a few others are looking at starting a club here in river city.

I spoke with the director of the SUB here in IF and he wants us to do a demo fly and he'll put up signup sheets for our students. One of the professors I work with flies the old WWII French kites with a camera onboard. Was getting some good shots of the campus until the FAA shut him down. The Idaho Falls campus is very near the flight path to the main runway. No sense of humor, I guess.

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