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This from the prez:

I am pleased to announce that the NWSKL will bring Josh and Zach Gordon out from Chicago to the league's Annual Meeting April 19-20 in Ocean Shores WA.

Josh and Zach have been winning and placing at AKANationals for the past few years in Dual Line, Multiline and Pairs as Team EOS. They will be giving a clinic on developing the Precision Freestyle Routine, and another on Choreography in Ballet. Time permitting, they may speak for a bit on Pairs as well. The focus for both presentations will be on Dual Line, but since Both Zach and many of our flyers now fly multiline as well, I'm sure that will be covered by Zach and people attending.

Monica Barber will give a presentation on Field Directing in the Afternoon. Monica has been Field Director at AKA Nationals, and will be fresh from the Firld Director job for the World Team Championships in Berck France.

While we can't guarantee the beach weather for flying, there will be a indoor free fly at the Jr. High gym in Ocean Shores. Bring new or "indoor" shoes.

The event will be held at the Gitchee Gumee Inn & Suites, 648 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW, Ocean Shores WA 98569. (360-289-3323). This is the same motel where the league has been for the annual meeting in past years. We're getting a 15% discount on rooms from the normal weekend rate, and for people who have stayed there before, use the 30% off coupon they mailed out over the Winter.

Please RSVP by filling out the Registration at the league website. As in other years, the $10 registration will cover the meeting, muffins, fruit and coffee Sat & Sun AM, Sandwiches for lunch, pizza in the evening and the indoor fly. Let us know early so we know how much food to order.

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you in Ocean Shores April 19-20.

Doug Lommel

NWSKL President

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