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Lincoln City Fall fest


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:) For those that haven't heard, and might still be considering whether to attend or not, this is a clip from a message received from the Lincoln City festival organizers.


The D' River Wayside, site of the festival, has thrown a challenging

curve our way. The river has in the last few weeks decided it doesn't

want to be the "world's shortest river" anymore. So in an effort to

extend it's length, the river has taken a 90 degree turn to the south

and run parallel to the parking lot wall all the way to the end, and

then it heads out to the ocean. What this means is that the beach has

been cut in half, with a river running through it. This is ok for

novels and movies, but not for kite flying festivals. Also there are

banks of up to 5' on the sides of the river.


For those that remember, the beach in LC is not a huge beach anyway... now there's a river in the middle. I have not yet seen it, but it has done this in the past and makes for difficulty in setting up any sort of flying fields while maintaining a safe area for spectators. :) Trying not to put a bad spin on things, but this will be different!

-so ya know!


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I have not yet seen it, but it has done this in the past and makes for difficulty in setting up any sort of flying fields while maintaining a safe area for spectators.

:) Well... yes, it has done this before and it creates an interesting effect, ;) BUT! Kite flyers always seem to find a way to be flexible :D You all CAN DO IT! :)

Leetle Ant? You out there? Yes, I will be by to drop off the kite! The rest of this message is invisable, cause i really like messing with your mind. <_<

:) __ - __-- _ _ _ _ _ -- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :D


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