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YOYO Line Control (YES...Dualie talk is permitted here too!) :P:)

One of the common problems I have when doing a “YOYO wind-up” is that the line blows around a lot and doesn’t fall straight, some times (most often) falling on the same side of one of the kites leading edges and wrapping around one wing.

I was wonder if anyone has experimented with weighing the line a little bit, close to the kite, with some fishing split shots or those lead “wrap on” sinkers about the shape or size of a match (which would not harm the line). Or maybe a piece of heaver leader line coming off the kite for about 6’ or so…or…something else, maybe, to help keep the line in place as it is wrapping around the kite.

Yeah…I know…more practice-practice-practice! But, I wouldn’t mind some training wheels for awhile, if they are available.

So, has anyone experimented with this…and if so…what were the results? Thanks!

Keep It Up!



Hey Duane. :P

It's really a matter of the proper slack vs. even right/left tug.

You're giving too much slack if your lines are slopping around.

If your lines wrap on one side of the kite, chances are that you didn't give an even tug for the initial wrap.

If you're still struggling, make yourself some 6ft. leader lines with 150# bridle line. Toss an overhand knot at one end, and an overhand loop at the other -- larkshead that line to your kite, then attach to your line.

The bridle line is heavier, and tends to 'drop' better, making easier wrap ups. Its also a lot more kind on your leading edges when you're wrapped up. :)

Keep in mind, It adds extra weight to your setup, so its really only effective for medium to higher wind ranges -- low wind, you should be fine with just the kite line itself.

Hope that helps m8. :P


Hi Duane,

lead is probably not a good idea as this heavy line will for sure reduce the overall control. As posted above, try to add leader lines of bridle line. I think one can almost neglect the small extra weight.

However, there are more tuning-options. I think your kite has usual yoyo-stoppers attached to the leading edge?

One way to increase your chance to hit the stopper is to add one ore more pairs of "safety stoppers" below the original one, for example made from wire straps. This is often used by LevelOne on their kites, see for example the Pictures Here.

Another modification are roll bars as invented(?) by Tim Benson on his Deepspace. This things make it almost impossible to miss the stoppers. They have some more sideeffects, for example they tighten the sail and prevent it from being wrapped together in multiple yoyos. The drawback is that they add a real ammount of weight to a somewhat unusual area of the sail.

Besides this "hardware" changes, there is another alternative used by Carl Robertshaw which I know as "yoyo-line" or "h-block". Idea is to take some leader lines, wrap them around the sail one time and then add a horizontal connection between those lines on the back of the kite. If this "block" is attached at the right position, it will prevent the lines from sliding down the leading edge. The line is so long, that it does not affect the kite in normal flight. In this case, even normal yoyo-stoppers are not necessary anymore.

Oh, and practice, practice, practice ;-)

Good luck!



Thanks SpzO & Bimi,

"It never fails"...if I can think of it or have a problem with it ...someone here has "been there" and has a solution or knows where to find the solution for whatever it is that I'm thinking.

The most important thing I've learned since joining this site is to "ASK" the question "before" I ever get started on any kite project!! :P


With that said: I want to put wheels on the one end of my "Rocket Launcher Kite Carrier" any ideas? :P:)

Keep It Up!



Oh hey! another option in regards to the leader lines, is to attach a piece of 150# kite line from left leader line to right -- making long enough that it doesn't interrupt normal inputs, but not so loose as to be flopping all over the place (getting caught on the kites tail).

This will keep the lines taught when wrapping up, making sure your lines don't catch below the yoyo stoppers.

Hope that helps. :)

As for the kite tubes? Maybe a hand cart? LoL


Maybe adapt a Golf Trolly.

Be especially good if you managed to get one with remote control.

Just imagine the fun you could hav, driving your own personal motorised rocket launcher around!!


One thing that may help is to put a twist in your lines (loop the kite) before doing a roll-up. This helps keep the lines close to the kite closer together so they don't flail around as much.


One thing that may help is to put a twist in your lines (loop the kite) before doing a roll-up. This helps keep the lines close to the kite closer together so they don't flail around as much.

Thanks AWOC, (The best kite place I've ever delt with...you'all are great & thank you!!)

(I'll give that a go tomorrow & see what happens...thanks!)

But, I've solved ALL the problems...check it out!!!

YES!! The addition of a 6 pack cooler to my RocketLauncher/KiteCaddy!!

Keep It Up!



hehe, yeah man, that'll help for sure. lol :crazy:

I totally forgot about the couple of twists in the line Kent!

Duane, that definitely helps.

I actually tend to fly dual line with a couple twists in the line at all times. I find the kite easier to control.


hehe, yeah man, that'll help for sure. lol :)

I totally forgot about the couple of twists in the line Kent!

Duane, that definitely helps.

I actually tend to fly dual line with a couple twists in the line at all times. I find the kite easier to control.

Come on Jon,

That's great...but what about my 6 pac cooler...that deserves some comment!?!? :crazy:

Keep It Up!



lol thats what the first sentence was directed towards! lol

The cooler is appealing to my Canuck Nature. :P

Oh Yeah...Sorry 'Bout That Jon...After re-reading your post...you did mention on the cooler............didn't notice at the time..............probably because the cooler went empty...........Happy New Year!! :P:blushing::):crazy:

OK...So I'm a little late in the celabration!!

Keep It Up@!



Did you get your kite caddy rolling yet? some dolly wheels or wheelbarrow wheels could be used. Wheelbarrow wheels will be a bit heavier but smother rolling. :crazy:



Did you get your kite caddy rolling yet? some dolly wheels or wheelbarrow wheels could be used. Wheelbarrow wheels will be a bit heavier but smother rolling. :blushing:


Hi James,

Yeah...had it out yesterday and it's doing great!! Running over concrete and grass...like it can't be beat...although I wouldn't even try it in sugar sand! :P

The only problem I've been having is the cooler keeps going empty!?!? :):crazy:

Keep It Up!



Got a way to sort your cooler problems out Duane.

There are some folks over here callled Overfinch, they specialise in tuning and customising cars.

One of the things they will do is mess about with your nice new Range Rover, costs about £100,000. Howver as part of that deal for the first 12 Months if the booze cabinet runs out they top it up for free.

I could find the number if you like, you caould ask them how much to customse your Kite Launcher.


Got a way to sort your cooler problems out Duane.

There are some folks over here callled Overfinch, they specialise in tuning and customising cars.

One of the things they will do is mess about with your nice new Range Rover, costs about £100,000. Howver as part of that deal for the first 12 Months if the booze cabinet runs out they top it up for free.

I could find the number if you like, you caould ask them how much to customse your Kite Launcher.

Thanks Baloo,

I can always depend on you to come through with excellent advice! :crazy: (there's that funny looking "L" again) :)

Keep It Up!




I gave all your suggestions a "go", except Baloo's 100,000 funny looking Ls thing, and she was winding up pretty good!. Crossing the lines helps, but I think the main improvement came from the wind. Prior to this fly, the wind was pretty gusty...this time I had some fairly steady wind, and when I kept it in the middle of the tunnel to wind up...it went pretty good! :crazy:

I did break, and had to replace, the spine of my beloved "Destiny" (Nirvana UL), but she's OK!!. :) The wind was fairly strong and I should have had "Serenity" (Nirvana STD) in the air instead. That was the first part I had to replace on either of these gals, so that's pretty good. They are both a lot more resiliant than I had expected when I first got them and I put them through some pretty hard crashes. :blushing::P

Thanks for your help!

Keep It Up!



No problem bro. Glad to see you are getting those wrap ups. :crazy:

Do your Leading Edge a favour, and stick some black duct tape right above your yoyo stoppers (I use a 3" x 1 1/2" piece, folding it lengthwise over the L.E.). The line will rub and wear on the tape, instead of the raw leading edge.

Repeat this process on the trailing edge as well, where the lines make contact (for my Widow, its from my inner standoffs to around 3" out from the outer standoff.).

If you're worried about lower spreader wear from your lines (most likely from your STD [high winds]), I've heard of ppl using a straw to cover the spot inbetween their APA standoff connectors. Just cut to length, slice the straw lengthwise, and snap it on.


Great suggestion "JoneZ"! (take me awhile to get used to that..."JoneZ"...heehee!)

I just went over Destiny and Serenity the other day and took a lighter to some of the frays...they'll love you for that!! :P

You mentioned in another post about how the Quad can take crashes. I can sure agree with you on that. When I was trying to hover inverted my brain didn't adjust very quickly, I'm a little slower than most, and I'd move the handles in the wrong direction..."ZAP!!" Going "Full Throttle" into the ground!! :blushing::crazy: I think the only reason I haven't had to replace anything yet is because all most all the time it would crash lengthwise instead of at an angle. (And of coures, it was a couple weeks before I tried flying with anything but 3 & 4 wraps---the 2 wrap said: "For Professionals Only" and I wasn't about to touch them!!) :)

Keep It Up!


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