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Indoor Rev Tips and Techniques


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I'm learning to fly indoors on my favorite style kite. Done two sessions so far. I'm starting to get the hang of it. Much different from outdoors. I'd appreciate any tips on how to fly quad indoors. Seems as if you don't reverse a wing as much as accelerate the leading edge of a given wing to make it turn. I'm working on floating the kite, but not sure how since I don't have other flyers around. Any tips, hints, etc will be greatly appreciated. My goal is to try my hand in a competition in Newport on 19 Feb. Got a 2:30 piece of music and some ideas. Just have to translate my mental images into actions.

Anybody living near East Greenwich, RI that is free to fly at lunch, or early in morning is welcome to join me for an informal session - can only offer access to hall on limited basis. Drop me an e-mail.

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Good luck. :P John Mitchell was just in here and he's an indoor Rev. flyer. Sam Ritter, too.

Hints? Your're probably learning them all. Try lowering your hands on your handles, practice moving your body to create your air flow when you change direction.. You can get more of a snap turn that way, if that is what your looking for.

A float.. :) put your arms in a float postion. Right arm fully extended, left arm drawn in, just like you would float outside. hmmmmm Try holding it on spot and moving your body back to give the illusion the kite is stopped.

Be aware of where you are pointing the bottom of your handles. If you want to go up more... poke them up.

You will create your own fly style. Either hands together or not. Extending your hands while you fly looks better, but more importantly it gives you a place to pull back to do that move you need.

Are you flying an indoor or a 1.5?

Enjoy! Make long term goals and you'll keep at it! Good luck in the competition.

Best Breezes,

(or should I say "still air"?) :(


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Penny, Thanks for the tips. I'm flying an Indoor. I didn't realize there was a separate area for indoor when i posted. Read your post about indoor quad practice from last winter. I've seen video of you flying - I can only hope to approach your skills someday :) ! I watched Scott Weider and Shawn Tinkham fly indoor Revs on New Year's Eve here in Newport, then on 1.5s outdoors the next day. Got me "Rev'ed Up" to try my hand at indoor.

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We don't care where you post. The posting police rank right up there with the fashion police in my mind. OOps... that might be John. :P I take it all back.

Thanks for the kind words. :( I'd love to see more of Tinkham and Scott flyiing, too. It's good for us to see others. And we always enjoy our visits. That was the first advice I ever got from Kathy Goodwind on how to become a better flyer to go see other flyers. OOps... Kathy's married, does she have a new name? John? Inquiring minds want to know. Congratulations Kathy!

Kewl, an indoor... darn... I should pull mine out and practice on it. ewww.. I'm into the 1.5 this week. I don't want to change. There's just not enough time! You better fly all you can while you've got the time!

I better go get ready. Have fun!!! darn.... now should I pull out that indoor..... ewww.. that's work... hmm... but I've got time...... ohhh! decisions! :)

Penny.... wandering away... mumbling... wondering... hey mousie.. you got inside yet? J.D. are you practicing? Moon~indoors yet? Ron are you practicing? I don't want any excuses... like, I don't have a place, or someone to practice with...

We need you. :D Of course I know my guys are practing.. that's Wayne, and Jerry and Scott for sure, and Hey.. what's happening in Canada.. anyone coming to the Long Beach indoor this weekend?

OOps.. I'm off post.

Best Breezes,


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Get side tracked much Penny? :P:(

I have not been flying too much on the indoor front. I will hopeful get to make it to Long Beach this weekend at least for Saturday.

Just moved next to a school, so I may look into the possibilities of flying in there soon.

Only indoor I have right now is my Deca, but that is never a problem when you are among other fliers. :)

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Who me sidetracked? never! Actually I was one of those kids who talked so fast people just nodded and pretended they understood what I said.

Kewl, bring the delta. It's been a while. eww. I really dislike the gym we'll be in. The Middleschool gym is so awesome, hopefully we'll get into that again.

We'll be looking to say hey Saturday!



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