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2011 KTAI Awards

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Hey John, why did I have to discover these honors over on another web site?

David Gomberg's weekly update mentioned that at the KTAI banquet there were five awards announced. Two of them were centered around products that JB made/makes a great contribution towards:

* Best Kite Promotional Effort: KiteLife.com

* Kite of the year: Rev B Pro




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You beat me to the punch, literally by a matter of minutes. :)

So, I've moved this post to where I would have placed mine...


Indeed, the Kite Trade Association recognized Kitelife.com with the "Best Kite Promotional Effort of 2010" award in Las Vegas last week!

post-1-053041300 1297192002_thumb.jpg

It's been a long time coming, imho... The KTAI traditionally recognized "retailer" and "wholesaler" promotional efforts, not an open category.

After all of our various efforts here (magazine, videos, industry web site design, etc, etc, etc) it would seem this award was sincerely given. :)

Of course, we work our butts off here, but it's the folks who are a part of the big picture who give us motivation and play a large part.


With regard to "Best Kite of 2010", the original B-Series actually won the same award in 2008... In all reality, I got my props on that.

This year, it is clearly for the B Pro, the same kite, but made SO much better by none other than Bazzer Poulter.

Unanimously, Revolution and I agreed that the award was his - and it has a place of honor at his house, next to many others. ;)

Thanks Tom, and thanks to all of you - our family in this great kiteLIFE.

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WOW!! That's FANTASTIC!! ***"WAY TO GO "TK"!*** "Beside every successful man, is a successful women!!" :)

You know I'm proud to be a "Subscriber to Kitelife" and this only makes me that much "PROUD-ER"...not to mention "The B-series PRO" taking top honors.. ;) . I have BAZZER'S name on 2 of my kites!! Congrats to you BAZZER & Thanks!!...[Damn!!...wait till Goldilocks (STD PRO) & Windy (full-vent PRO) tell Elvira (Mistress of the Dark--Black Rainbow mid-vent) about their honors...boy is she going to get pissed off...especially since I accidently stabbed her last week...heehee!!]


But, why is it that even when Jeepster has "GREAT" news...he's complaining!! heehee!!

Keep It Up!


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Hi John,

BTW----One thing that I have respected in the kiting community is their honesty. There is very little “false” humility.

The Kiting Motto, as I see it is: “IF YOU”VE GOT IT, FLAUNT IT!!” heehee!

With that said, I would like to sign on to the Kitelife and be able to see Kitelife’s awards and maybe a word or two on the honors that Kitelife has received.


Keep It Up!


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BTW----One thing that I have respected in the kiting community is their honesty. There is very little "false" humility.

The Kiting Motto, as I see it is: "IF YOU"VE GOT IT, FLAUNT IT!!" heehee!

TRUE! I fully agree.

With that said, I would like to sign on to the Kitelife and be able to see Kitelife's awards and maybe a word or two on the honors that Kitelife has received.

How do you mean Duane? Something different than this forum topic?

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Hi John,

I was thinking like at the top of this page where the Kitelife logo is and just to the right of that where the sky and clouds are and the words: "The Kitefliers Portal to the Internet". Maybe you could take those words and put them over top of each other and move them to the right side and then you could put a picture of awards, or words about honors, between your logo and the "portal" comment. Or something like that.

Keep It Up!


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