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The conversation on rolling up tube tails started at Reader’s Reviews forum site. Because a Trlby just isn’t dressed without tails, the subject obviously belongs here. The topic question was, “how the heck do you neatly repack the tube tails?”

CodyKiteGuy suggested buying an extension cord winder, with a couple of handles sticking out.

CLTKiter found an elongated ‘H’ winder at Home Depot, but it didn’t seem to solve the problem. I tried that, too, but the winder is too long and it’s difficult to get the air out of the tail for a neat repack. Did use the winders for a couple of long extension cords, so they weren’t wasted. ;)

My favorite kite shop staff cut a rectangle out of a box, about nine by three inches. She taped the end of the tube tail to the cardboard, then gently pressed the air out of the tube nine inches at a time as she rolled up the tail. It was a neat repack in a short time.

My own current method is to stretch the tail out full length. Starting at the end, I begin rolling up the tail. Untwist the tail by twisting the roll. I end up with a roll of plastic that can be held together with a rubber band. This takes a while for a 100ft tail, and often aggravates the people tromping the ground around my stretched out tail.

So tell us, trilbymousie, how do You pack up a tube tail? Especially when you’re flying a train of twentyfive colorful Trlbys? kitepilot


I made some "H" shaped pieces of GatorBoard (heavy cardboard will do), about 3" wide by 5" long. The notches on the "H" at the top and bottom need to be just over 2" wide, and about 3/4" deep, to let the tail be held in place by the uprights of the "H".

I'm too cheap to buy a cord winder. ;)


Thanks for the idea, Dorsal. Still makes a bulky pack, though. Here’s something I’ll try…cut the ends of the cardboard rectangles with a curve instead of an ‘H’ shape. Then, when the tail is fully packed, slide it off the cardboard, fold the tail in half, and rubber band it. I’ll let you know if that works. Found some heavy cardboard at the warehouse outlet, they use it for produce boxes, several cards can be cut from each box, and it’s free! kitepilot


Well, I also have made a pair of stubby-T's, notched at the bottom so they intersect each other at 90 degrees. I wrap the tail around the sides of the T's, then slip one half out, slip the tail off and secure it with a rubberband. That way, the tails are stored separate from the winder.

For a visual, put your two hands together, intersecting the notch between your first and second finger of one hand into the same spot of the other hand. Now, the tail would wrap around all four fingers. Then slide one hand out of the wrapped tail. Voila!


Sounds interesting, Dorsal. I'm going to the beach Wednesday so don't think I have time to try your idea. What I did do, however, was to throw a couple of 3 /2" diskettes in the bag. I'll use them to wrap the tails around and just keep the tails on the diskette. I don't use diskettes much any more and have a lot of them. It may not work out very well, but who knows..... :unsure:

Is your intersecting "hands" made of cardboard, plastic, or wood? Any chance of getting a picture? How about yours, kitepilot?

Instead of rubber bands, I picked up some velcro cable wraps about 15" long from Lowe's that works well for wrapping around the tails.

Later, Doug


Thanks, gang, for the suggestions to neatly pack away long kite tails. Tried several of the ideas, and they work great for me. Well, except for the extension cord winder. Couldn't find a store that sold the winder that was described. Guess a guy that flies a special kite would only shop at a special store! :o



FYI... I tried using a 3 1/2" diskette as the core around which to wind tails and it worked fairly well. I guess what it added was some rigidity to start the winding. Still had to flip/flip/flip, but the starting was easier. I used it on some streamer tails on my Sky Skimmer and the tube tails that I attached to my 11' delta. Didn't pull out the tube tails for my Sky Dancer, but I suspect that it would have worked equally well. Used the diskette to wind up the tails, and then pulled the diskette out of the middle for storing the tails. Don't think I'll put the diskette in my computer any more... sand, you know...

Can't wait to see Dorsal's winder.



Doug - I just emailed the jpg and ppt files to you.

Sorry, I was gone nearly a week for my Dad's funeral, and I just got back home. :devil:


Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. His death was sort of expected, but the actual phone call was kinda hard to hear.

I do hope I get a chance to fly this weekend. I wanted to show him some of my kites, but he was never well enough to come out to see them. I guess now he'll get to see them all. :D

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