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Impulse Flyboy

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So my M-quad (yeah, sorry, i had to try one of the non-rev's ;) ) arrived yesterday and I took it out to my usual field. As I was flying it, I was noticing a lot of oversteer which I was unable to correct. Now I'm no master flyer, in fact I'm not even an intermediate flyer, but I was wondering if there was something I could do or not do to help my oversteering. It seemed like the oversteer was much stronger in one direction, could this mean that either my handles or my lines aren't equal?

Hope you can help

Impulse Flyboy :D

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Dealing with oversteer is just something that comes with practice. You have to give a little stab of the opposite side to stop the rotation.

I've never flown an M-Quad, but I've seen videos, and can tell from the design that it is probably THE most unstable commercial quadline kite on the market. I'm sure it's fun for a fairly experienced flyer, but looks to me like an exercise in frustration for a newbie.

Of all the kites in all the kite fields in all the world, the M-Quad is the last quad you should try to learn on.

As far as it oversteering in one direction more than the other, it could be a number of things - unequal line length, the bridle could be slightly off, or even a problem at the handle end (the handle or the operator ;) ).

BTW, I know it's not the only one your working with, but I would expect a hard time with it.


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Try a power luanch too. Remember no wussie launches for newbies. You have to be stronger then the wind, or the wind is flying it not you. If you launch slow.. the wind will either take it and fly it or it's not enough power to get it up high and find wind.

1 lines are tight. 2 arms are long. (no bent elbows here-step back) 3 one foot behind you.. Now pull and step back as you point the bottms of the handles up into the air.

Pull and stepping back give you the lift and the power. Woosh, and use your whole arm movement as you do this (only in the beginning) Don't pull the kite towards you. Use your wrist.

Make sure your not coming down because the bottom of the handles are pointing down once it's up. That is pilot error. I tlell people one way of steering it is pointing the bottom handles where you want the kite to go.

Good luck!



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