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Record update

R Moore

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Hello again,

I just returned from Cobar, Australia following my second attempt on the world single kite altitude record.

I flew to 6,300 ft AGL only with very difficult conditions present for the whole week. Four days of light to moderate ground winds up to 4,000 ft but a wide band of calm conditions 4,500 – 6,000 ft prevented higher flights. Some thermals on day 1 provided some hope but dropped off at 5,000 ft. Day five showed early promise with 2 flights to 4,500ft but ran out of puff around 4,000 ft with some moderate thermal activity. The third flight was a disaster with an unexpected strong layer of wind associated with an early arrival of a frontal system. The 12 meter Conyne delta raced to 6,300 ft with the line screaming. The winch motor struggled to retrieve the line and then overheated. The kite was “walked” down by three team members, towing the trailer to the end of the airstrip and we managed to put the kite into the scrub with the kite resting in a tree.

The following day the zone was cancelled with no further flights and I spent the day recovering the kite and the 2,200 metres of line with the help of the farmer and my team members. On the last day I cancelled again due to gale force winds.

The new 300 lb line was great and showed no sign of weakness. The line endured tremendous tension and emitted a high pitched screaming sound that could be heard 500 meters away. The winch modifications worked well but I will replace the motor with a more powerful one with electronic speed control.

I will rebuild my winch to make it integrated. The telemetry worked great with live data shown on a laptop. It was good to count the feet as it rose. All the survey points are in with millimeter accuracy. My new CDMA phone worked well despite the remote location. A reporter from a major daily was present on day 5. The story and images made page 3 of a major Sydney newspaper and I did a number of radio interviews from the airstrip. I may look for sponsorship now as it is a financial drain with 3 trips to Cobar within 12 months.

I will be back for a 3rd attempt in a year’s time but I need to recover mentally, physically and financially. It’s a tremendous buzz but it’s a very tough activity, especially in this environment of heat, dust and clouds of flies. My web site is going well with lots of hits. I’ll update with all the details within the next few days.

As Arnold said, “I’ll be back”.

Cheerio for now.

Bob Moore


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I wasn't flying a Cody, however it is the back of my mind that I may try a big Cody. They are quite magnificient beasts.

I built a 10 meter Hargraves last year but it's wasn't quite right with modern materials. Smaller ones are stiffer but my big one was floppy. I think the Dunton Conyne Deltas have proved very strong and in the case of my last flight when the winch motor burned out, are capable of vicious line pull.

The 12 sq meter Conyne flew in 50 knot + winds. This is not far off the rumoured 70 mph that Cody flew one of his kites in. The only damage was frayed trailing edge seams.

I don't know of many kiters that have flown kites in 50 - 60 mph winds, especially at 7,000 ft! It was a wee bit scary. Hey, do you want to design a big Cody for me?

;) Bob moore

PS There is a guy making an attempt next year . His name is Richard Crawford from Colorado. He tested recently at Callaway, NE. He has posted on the single line forum on the AKA site. He intends to attempt the record at the kite festival there next year.

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