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Looming NPS Senior fee increase


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Hey all,


As of August 28th the cost for a senior lifetime pass at the national parks will be increasing from $10 to $80. You can still get one for the cheep price....way too cheep in my opinion as I am still a young whipper snapper (although my greying hair contests this) but only if you act now.


Details for how to get or order one today or tomorrow:


Apply by mail. Fill out this application and send it in, along with a $20 fee ($10 for the pass, $10 for processing). It must be postmarked Aug. 27 or earlier.


Apply online. Visit yourpassnow.com/ParkPass/park/senior/SeniorPassInfoCollectto apply online before Aug. 28. Cost is $20 ($10 for the pass, $10 fee for processing). Because the system is backlogged, you may not receive the pass for months, but you will be able to use your confirmation at the different sites.


Purchase it in person. Visit one of the federal recreation areas where passes are issued to purchase the $10 pass before Aug. 28. Be sure and call ahead to see if passes or rain checks are available.


Hope this helps someone. I have been fustrated for years that only seniors can buy a life time pass and that it is dirt cheap to boot. Me husband keeps reminding me that I love the nps enough to pay for a yearly pass to support them and what I didn't love was the inequity of price...and he is right.


Cheers to all. See ya at the parks.



Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app



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I agree that $80 is very reasonable, $10 was an absolute steal.

You can be in dire straights and still live near a nps park not use it because of cost. I am not in dire straits and still there are several parks that cost in my area and I have to choose which one to buy a pass for each year...national, state or local. I am glad to support our parks and hope that I can encourage others to enjoy them.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app

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