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large wind sock or tube kites


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i am looking to buy my  first every big kite, or should that be BIG KITE, budget and shape is an issue, where i was looking was the tube wind socks, 12 foot round and 75 foot long ( 4m by 25m in english)

I was going to buy rather than make it as its way past my skill level, so questions are, is this able to be done and used as a single person kite, what sort of pull do they  have and do you normally set them up with a lifter?

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Usually a large tube has to have a lifter. The lifter can have quite a bit of pull. I don't know were you can find a tube/line laundry with that size diameter and length. You can look at aliexpress, where there are many show kites and tails for sail but not one that big I don't think. You want a big showy kite that will fly by itself,  look at trilobites and octopus kites, many to choose from. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/7/2019 at 2:36 AM, HedgerowPete said:

i am looking to buy my  first every big kite, or should that be BIG KITE, budget and shape is an issue, where i was looking was the tube wind socks, 12 foot round and 75 foot long ( 4m by 25m in english)

I was going to buy rather than make it as its way past my skill level, so questions are, is this able to be done and used as a single person kite, what sort of pull do they  have and do you normally set them up with a lifter?

That is a lot of fabric!  I have a "maxi" size kite "ball" at 14' in diameter and I use 1200lb line.  (I've snapped 500lb)  You will need a very large lifter for that.  I don't think there are current sellers for that size.  It would be easy to build just requires a lot of material.  The ball I have took 100+ yards.  I would also recommend looking at some Peter Lynn style kites.  The octopus can fly without a pilot.

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