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Troy Gunn

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About Troy Gunn

  • Birthday 09/26/1960

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Sport Kites
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Wichita Falls, Texas - USA
  • Country
    United States
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  1. Looks like a early 90's Skyburner Prodancer.
  2. Sep. 10--Coyote Ranch Resort Kite Festival Wichita Falls, TX (Coyote Ranch RV Resort) C: Troy Gunn 1-940-224-0934 T-Gunn@msn.com http://coyoteranchresort.com/ Festival Info: Enjoy the giant size kites of WhataKite of Lufkin, TX, National Champion "TKO Sport Kite Team" will be performing sport kite demos (formation flying), members of Dallas Area Kite Organization will be flying a variety of kites, Kids kite building workshop, public flying, food, souvineer store, etc.... The event is hosted by Coyote Ranch Resort, Troy Gunn, and the Red River Optimist Club.
  3. To All Kiters, Finally, the 2011 AKA Region 8 Kite Events Calendar...Finished and ready to view! Region 8 includes the US states of: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico. If you copy the calendar now and never look at again this year, you'll be missing out on important kite event info, because every year, there will always be new events added, postponed, cancelled, throughout the year, so please check the web page often for updates! If you see any errors on the calendar, or if you know of any kite related events that should be added to the calendar, please e-mail me asap and I'll make the corrections/additions, at: T-Gunn@msn.com AKA Region 8 Kite Events Calendar 2011: http://tkogunn1.tripod.com/kitecalender.htm
  4. I've been asked by Ron Young, whom is the coordinator for San Francisco's "Family Days Kite Festival (FDKF)", to invite talented kite flyers, Kite Artist, kite builders, Traction kiters, and kite boarders to this years FDKF. The dates for this year's 2010 FDIKF are, September 18-19, and will once again take place in San Francisco, California, USA, at Marina Green Park, next to San Francisco Bay, St. Francis Yacht Club, and a spectacular view of Alcatraz, and the Golden Gate Bridge. We would appreciate your attendance and participation at this year's 2010 FDIKF, and hope that you accept this invitation! We will be featuring all, specially invited kite flyers, on the official FDIKF website. Please reply to this official invitation, stating whether or not you will be able to attend. So that we can have the FDIKF webmaster place your information on the website, as one of the featured kiters, please e-mail me a photo of yourself, and brief kiting bio of your kiting achievements / expertise. If others are coming with you and will be flying, please have them e-mail me their kiting bio and picture too. Contact me (Troy Gunn), at: T-Gunn@msn.com or +1-940-691-8522 This year we will have several field safety marshals patrolling the show kite and demo fields, to insure that no unauthorized persons enter the flying fields. We expect this year's festival to be the biggest and best ever! The FDIKF website can be viewed here: http://www.fdkf.org Sincerely, Troy Gunn Chief Judge and Kite Flyer Liaison Family Day IKite Festival 2010 T-Gunn@msn.com +1-940-691-8522
  5. I'm having to log in every time too.
  6. Carl is correct, adjust the main line so that the nose leans forward. Slide the adjustment ink mark down about 1/2" below the tow point toward the center-T. By your pictures, it looks as though you have the newer versions of the Desire UL. (Explanation below). Carl may or may not know this, but last year New Tech Kites changed the factory location for some of there kites, and now the same factory that makes Flying Wings Kites, also makes some of the NTK Stunt kites, including making the Desire UL,. I have 4 of the new versions and they are different than the old versions. For example, there is more camber/curve in the leading edge, and the bridle line adjustment ink mark seems to be incorrectly marked too low on the main line., the center-T is different, and they are using a taiwan made carbon frame instead of Avia. When our Team TKO first tried to fly the new versions, last year while at an event in Bogota, Colombia, we experienced the same problems with too much overstear and they wouldn't fly in as light of wind as our older Desire UL's. The only thing you can do to make them fly better is adjust the bridle adjustment ink mark, so that it pulls the nose/top of the kite forward more, this will help eliminate some overstear and also help it fly better in lighter wind.
  7. The Tandem kite did indeed look like two stunt kites standing together. I'm still thinking it's a giant Tandem. Jerry Senote (spelling?) (One of Jerry's Kites) also mad e a giant 30 ft version of his Peregrine kite.
  8. More like Rod Guyette's Turbo Jet. The Ramjet was their original model, shaped like a TOTL Spinoff.
  9. Looks like an old Giant size "Tandem", made in Canada back in the mid 90's..
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