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  1. Hey Rob, did I mention shipping is included to the lower 48. Haha! Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  2. It's been way to short of a time with this beautiful kite, but I need to sell it. Some unexpected things have come up and the cash trumps the kite unfortunately. It's going to come with a 50# x 82ft lineset. Whoever gets this is going to be one happy flier. I hope to replace it in the future. $175 with lineset and shipping Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  3. Man Greg! I just saw this post. That really stinks! I hate that you've had so much frustration up to this point. I hope you can get the needed parts and get back in the air soon. This was part of my frustration too though and why I ended up getting an Aura. My low wind days were just too frequent and I was not getting the time I wanted with the kite. Keep us posted on the progress. Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  4. Sorry this is the only one I have on my phone at the moment. It's the green one. I can get more tomorrow if you like. Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  5. I went out a bit more and almost got it again a few more times, but just wasn't letting the nose get up enough before that 2nd input or I'd throw too much line and the nose flew way up and over. Im gonna get though. So fun! By the way Rob, I really am inspired by your videos! I love how you normally have the kite and you in the shot. Can see inputs really clearly that way. Keep it up man! Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  6. Well had to get back to reality and head to work. I wasn't able to get another before I had to pack up. This move is so tough. Starting it is easy enough, now that I feel pretty comfortable with half axels, but giving and keeping enough slack after the second input is so tough. My brain needs to be able to split so I can remember to walk forward after I do the input. Sure was fun to get once though. Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  7. Had a little time before work and hit the field. I did my first Taz!! I can't believe it! That's all. Was just pumped and had to say something. Now to see if I can do it again. Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  8. So in between clients at work today I was able to get in another 4 hours with the Aura. I love this thing! It is so stable even in wind that I can barely feel it just stays up. Really feeling comfortable with half axels after today. Also was able to get a few fade launches and flare to fades. The easiest for me so far is the axel to fade. Still needs a lot of work though. Cascading is making more sense, but I'm really aware of how right on I need to be with that 2nd input and giving plenty of slack. My mind needs to speed up a little. Flew right up till dark, packed up and felt really good about the little bit of progress I made. Someday maybe I'll get a tripod so you guys can see me flail a little. I'd love some pointers on catching the fade. Happy trails and wind filled sails!
  9. So here are my kites. Got to fly more tonight and man, am I hooked on this stuff. All the years flying prior to this have always been fun, but there is no comparison to these kites. I will say after flying the Aura though the Kymera feels like a tank. I want some strong wind now to fly that baby. Anyway, have a great night ya'll! Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  10. I'm far from perfect but I'm starting to see that I may eventually be able to get this. Even if just a little. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  11. So I got it this baby on Monday and finally was able to get it in the air. It was a magical 3 hours, with pretty good wind. It was the perfect setting to see how good its low wind capabilities are. Not sure of the wind speed, but flags were waving gently back and forth. This kite is a beauty in the air! Also very quiet, which I like. Feels very stealthy. It seems to handle very well. Nice slow axels, and was actually able to hold some long fades. I'm still doing something wrong with those. Half axels feel very natural, even though that's a new move for me. By the end of my session I had completed several cascades to my shock and amazement! I couldn't stop smiling!! I was able to wrap it up several times as well, but it was tough. You really need to time the 2nd pop and give a lot of slack. I can't wait for my next opportunity to fly! Happy trails and wind filled sails! Brian Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  12. SOLD So it's with a Heavy heart I am deciding to sell my Kymera. I've just come to the realization I need something geared towards lighter winds. Great condition, only had about 3 weeks. Asking $180 shipping included to 48 contiguous states. I'm willing to deal a little, since I've already ordered my Aura UL. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  13. Hey, Mark we should keeping work on our own weaknesses. I can snap stall but not fade, HA!
  14. I finally got about 45 minutes of reasonably good, slightly erratic, northern Indiana wind this evening. Was able to get the Kymera out and did my first half axels. Still need a lot of work to make them smooth and to be consistent. Also I can only get it going left to right. So I need to work on my ambidexteity. Anyway it was fun!! Hope everybody had a great long weekend! Happy trails and wind filled sails! Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
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