there's a web-site he has, but I can't remember the name of it. I'd rather support my favorite retailer/re-seller even if it means a higher cost overall to my family. Mario had some at SPI in Bill and Susie's kite shop, but not designed for application on magic sticks specifically. I'm "in" when those are ready though.
5 of us beat a kite unmercifully night flying for an hour, so Mario knows exactly what our expectations are for durability, slack lining and rolled-up into the lines on the sand face down (glowing crab's eyestalks?) as he was "crew" on his baby. Heck the next day he shared revised plans for 3D printing the parts!
Not the lightest weight solution, but super bright, even thru a black sail backlit,
and sissy-stick users don't need a second stick or his support structure 'cause that crap's there already
excited, thanks Mario and your team!