Let me drop a little story about this one:
`2 summers ago, John had the 3 versions all staked out at WSIKF, a std, mid, f/v. It was a low wind sort of day, I think I was either on a std or Ashes, so that gives you some idea. Anyway, everyone was queued up to try the std. Made the most sense, it fit the wind pretty well. So I'm in line waiting when John comes over and says to try the mid. OK, I'll give it a shot. I launch, land, adjust tops a knot (John uses at least one more knot of brake than I do!), and launch again. Flew nice, but it didn't set my hair on fire or anything like that. But a good solid feeling. After a bit I set it down and was talking to him, when he says to try the full vent. Now I'm thinking - wait a minute, the winds are light for a standard, and you want me to use a full vent?? OK, I'll try. Same thing - launch, land, adjust tops. Launch again, no problem. So now I have a full vent flying along no problem - my head is a bit spinning - HOW? Before I really get into it, a line starts to form behind me and someone is telling me to lead the group. Not entirely unusual, I lead quite a bit - but I'm on the "wrong kite"! People are still asking, so away I go leading, BUT - behind me are the mid and std Djinns and a couple others. I totally expect to get run over, thinking I'm WAY underpowered!! NOPE!! I'm perfectly safe out here and leading - NO PROBLEM! We go through some stuff and finally land, I look at John and he is smiling and I'm scratching my head wondering what just happened!!