I use three different length(s) of handles…..BUT….they are for three different sized kites…;)
Longer handles…or known as ul handles are used for bigger kites and/or for no to low winds. A change to longer handles plus a change of frame to a 2 wrap will lower the wind range a bunch. Rev made some indoor handles as well….I like them with a Rev 2 sporting a 2 wrap frame.
The original Rev 1.5 sized, and shaped, quad kite seems to be the norm across the board these daze and has been for quite some time irregardless of the amazing companies….note the plural!!!!…that are producing some real nice kites!!!!
This…1.5…sized kite is quite lovely, but I like a Rev 1 sized kite the bestest, followed by a 2……then a 1.5 size. A couple of each size and generally…15” handles for the 1; 12/12” for the 1.5; 10” for the 2 and have an original 9” set for a 2. All old school…not knotless…;), some foam a little thicker and some not, steel and graphite…. All stock Rev handles, and except for a couple, are a fixed leader with no adjustment knots. Over many years I have dialed in the handles for each kites size and bridle, and more often will change frames or change handles…going to a smaller handle in strong wind or a longer handle for no to low wind. Besides I can’t stand a knot/length or two of leader line flapping around at the line attachment….even with knotless handles…..there’s still a knot…a small quirk…