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John Barresi

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John Barresi last won the day on June 8

John Barresi had the most liked content!

About John Barresi

  • Birthday 06/01/1975

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Djinn, Djinndoor, Kaiju, Zen Glider.
  • Flying Since
    August 1990, San Francisco CA
  • Location
    Long Beach, WA USA
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Web publishing and promotion, kite flying of all kinds, travel anywhere... Global kite culture.
  • Gender

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Kite Romantic

Kite Romantic (7/7)




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  1. I'm looking into doing a 4-hour INDOOR CLINIC here in Portland on either Nov 12th or 13th (Sat or Sun).

    Not sure if I can get the space yet, but if so, we'd be looking at a max of six students and $25 registration. If I can pull this together, anyone interested? Must have at least 4 committed before I can go ahead.

    Topics - dual line, quad line, whatever floats your boat, I can try to help!

    Location - North Portland

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wayne Dowler
    3. John Barresi

      John Barresi

      Alright, update: Looks like I can only get the gym for Nov 5th (Sat), 1:15pm to 6:15pm... Still good to go for this Wayne?

    4. John Barresi

      John Barresi

      For anyone reading here, we have filled all six slots for this clinic, sorry!

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