Alright folks, we're working our way into the home stretch...
Been on the road since May 6, it's now Sep 11 and we hope to be back in the Portland OR area by the end of October.
We've driven roughly 13,500 miles so far, on a path more or less like this (with many stops along the way):
Portland OR to San Diego CA (down the west coast)
San Diego CA through the Southwest (AZ: Sedona, Grand Canyon, etc)
Southwest up the west side of the rockies to Steamboat Springs CO
From Steamboat Springs over the rockies into Denver CO
Denver through KS, OK, TX, LA, MI, AL to Destin FL
Down to Tampa FL, back up to Jacksonville FL
Jacksonville FL all the way up into Maine and Massachusetts
West from ME and MA through NY and PA into Cleveland OH (here now)
Been a a trip, for sure, and I figure we're probably at the 3/4 mark right about now.
We're doing a clinic and lessons in Cleveland this weekend, on to the Chicago IL area for more of the same next weekend.
After that, we're heading through IA, NE, SD, WY, MT and ID before heading into BC and WA state.
So, this brings me to a pressing question...
I'd like to do one or two more clinic/lesson stops along the way, and am considering Nebraska and Montana...
Any interest in these areas, or other suggestions where we can draw in some fliers?