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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Already tried to reach the member both by PM here and direct email to the addres provided (our standard process), no reply after 30 days and it goes back into the prize pool - look for it in a future drawing.
  2. Welcome to the forums trevorven :)

  3. For the sake of clarity, this is not a Revolution product, the "Swiss Made by Andi" is a quad line kite handmade by Andi.
  4. Alright folks, we're working our way into the home stretch... Been on the road since May 6, it's now Sep 11 and we hope to be back in the Portland OR area by the end of October. We've driven roughly 13,500 miles so far, on a path more or less like this (with many stops along the way): Portland OR to San Diego CA (down the west coast) San Diego CA through the Southwest (AZ: Sedona, Grand Canyon, etc) Southwest up the west side of the rockies to Steamboat Springs CO From Steamboat Springs over the rockies into Denver CO Denver through KS, OK, TX, LA, MI, AL to Destin FL Down to Tampa FL, back up to Jacksonville FL Jacksonville FL all the way up into Maine and Massachusetts West from ME and MA through NY and PA into Cleveland OH (here now) Been a a trip, for sure, and I figure we're probably at the 3/4 mark right about now. We're doing a clinic and lessons in Cleveland this weekend, on to the Chicago IL area for more of the same next weekend. After that, we're heading through IA, NE, SD, WY, MT and ID before heading into BC and WA state. So, this brings me to a pressing question... I'd like to do one or two more clinic/lesson stops along the way, and am considering Nebraska and Montana... Any interest in these areas, or other suggestions where we can draw in some fliers?
  5. 10a-4pm at Busse Woods / Rolling Meadows No official format or organization, just show up and enjoy, ask questions, get a bit of coaching and have fun - **donations are welcome to help us with travel expenses**, but only if you feel like you leave with something of value to you! An informal gathering for fun and shared learning, we'll be having fun, expanding our skills on both dual and quad line kites. The primary focus of this gathering is good times and good flying - be sure to read more about Busse Woods / Rolling Meadows. http://fpdcc.com/busse-woods/ You can also call me directly via 503-890-0290 on the event day to find out where we may be flying if plans have changed for any reason. The entrance to Busse Woods / Ned Brown Preserve is actually in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, south side of Golf Rd (rte 58), just east of 290/53, just a stone's throw from Woodfield Shopping Mall. More Info - https://www.facebook.com/events/531021227043805/
  6. 10a-4pm at Edgewater Park No official format or organization, just show up and enjoy, ask questions, get a bit of coaching and have fun - **donations are welcome to help us with travel expenses**, but only if you feel like you leave with something of value to you! An informal gathering for fun and shared learning, we'll be having fun, expanding our skills on both dual and quad line kites. The primary focus of this gathering is good times and good flying - be sure to read more about Edgewater State Park. http://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/Main/Edgewater-Beach.aspx You can also call me directly via 503-890-0290 on the event day to find out where we may be flying if plans have changed for any reason. Private lessons may also be available for Friday or Saturday (message me). 6700 Memorial Shoreway, off Ohio 2, in the Lakefront Reservation, Cleveland. More Info - https://www.facebook.com/events/298222620364760/
  7. Sorry for the lagged reply, no good excuse except for being on the road. Cleveland - https://www.facebook.com/events/298222620364760/ Chicago - https://www.facebook.com/events/531021227043805/ I'll expound in another topic, thanks for your patience!
  8. Welcome to the forums jdg :)

  9. Welcome to the forums RevedUp :)

  10. Welcome to the forums srljlee :)

  11. Welcome to the forums Jan Swerts :)

  12. Welcome to the forums marcel125 :)

  13. Welcome to the forums 99miles :)

  14. Welcome to the forums smoothwind :)

  15. Welcome to the forums Growler :)

  16. Welcome to the forums branfipa :)

  17. Welcome to the forums Ron Davison :)

  18. Welcome to the forums Hizakite1 :)

  19. Welcome to the forums Sharky2857 :)

  20. Welcome to the forums WRB503 :)

  21. Welcome to the forums kamracing11 :)

  22. Welcome to the forums Ron M. :)

  23. We're doing a clinic in Cleveland OH on Sep 13-14, I can probably fit in one more private lesson on Sep 16, then we'll be in Schaumburg IL for another clinic on Sep 20-21 before we head further west.
  24. Welcome to the forums yayette :)

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