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KiteLife Forum

John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Closing this topic, just to avoid confusion.
  2. Welcome to the forums Kite7 :)

  3. Welcome to the forums Sebastian Pereira :)

    1. Sebastian Pereira

      Sebastian Pereira

      Thank you. Also thank you for the comment on the video that my dad put on facebook. I really appreciated it.

  4. Welcome to the forums dsn :)

  5. Welcome to the forums Timetofly :)

  6. Not me, I believe that's Dave Shenkman flying.
  7. Viewed on YouTube, but the exposure came heavily from Reddit first, then from viral video shows both online and on national TV.
  8. Welcome to the forums SSavvySAM :)

  9. Welcome to the forums Jack Luong :)

  10. Welcome to the forums srayrey :)

  11. Welcome to the forums crusher :)

  12. Welcome to the forums laurie :)

  13. If you're not breaking gear, you're not learning. Another detail, not sure if it's been specified already... Others might add their own thoughts, but I've found my ferrules should be no less than 2-1/2" to 3" into either side, roughly 5-6" in total length.
  14. Can you add something like the following under "NO" (Can I Fly My Kite)... (unless you're using urban / indoor styles or really work for it) I'm pleased to say that in the last few years, I've come to know lots of folks who aren't real bothered by what the wind is doing... Also, it might be a chance to add definitive links or examples to such alternative, less wind-dependent forms of kiting. Food for thought, thanks for the effort - I understand work of passion.
  15. Agreed, looks LIKE... But, no distinctive keel label (three versions: Fizz, Highflyers and Benson) which I'm accustomed to seeing on a Phantom (my first $300+ kite in 1991). No idea on the other, sorry.
  16. Welcome to the forums fredastan21114 :)

  17. Welcome to the forums TATERxxWARDY :)

  18. Welcome to the forums fredastan :)

  19. Welcome to the forums DEames :)

  20. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. This prize package includes a mixed variety of single line items from HQ Kites... Huge thanks to them for letting us pick over their warehouse a bit and sending us home with a bunch of new and demo items to give away! You can see in the images below, there is a small Bol, a Tilt Box, hanging Baloon, Vipe XL and a handful of various entry level single lines that will be great for free handouts while you're on the field... Total value? You can't put a price on fun! NOTE: These items should all be very fly-worthy but may show signs of wear or occasionally a missing part - we took all photos below and can assure that they are at least how they appear there. You can sign up to win KiteLife prizes here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/350, and will be drawn on October 10th, 2014! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  21. I tend to be very conscious about not mucking up someone's vacation photo, we'll have to see how the layout is, and how uptight the Park Rangers are... Fingers crossed, it's on the to do list.
  22. Welcome to the forums NWkiteluv :)

    1. NWkiteluv


      Thanks I'm happy this exists. I'm really enjoying getting back into kite flying.

  23. Here we go... 151... Expired. 603... We've got a winner! Looks like this bad boy is going home with Robin McCracken! For those who don't know, Robin also happens to be a AKA Regional Director (#7) and handles their Facebook page as well. Congrats dude, fly it in good health!
  24. All the prairie dogs serve as wifi relays, clear as a bell out here! lol No, seriously, we just finished a LONG drive today and have just settled into a motel (in Wall SD) for the night. Stand by, thanks for waiting... Back in a minute with a winner.
  25. Handy resource for flying fields... http://www.kitemap.org
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