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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Literally open to anyone, any dual or quad line topic, any skill level. Looks like we may have anywhere between 15-20 people during the course of the day with two instructors on rotation. Reminder to all, come prepared with some items you're most interested in and we'll try to knock down 2-3 at a time as we make our rounds. Engage us, and we can engage you.
  2. This put a smile on my face just now (again), thanks Barton.
  3. Try for the up and over flight!
  4. Rest easy - it's not about the size of your kite bag, it's how you use it.
  5. In my experience, this can only be attributed to a couple of things... 1 - The sleeving is too large for the line, like a skinny arm in an XXL sleeve. 2 - Need a different knot arrangement - my standard is two overhand knots side by side, nothing else, regardless of line weight.
  6. Good call Rob, I'll look into it. The forum software we're using here should be getting a major upgrade in the next month or two, and we'll be getting some new ecommerce add ons that allow individual file download purchases... Should make things easier to manage with subscriptions, raffle tickets and other products items.
  7. Reved, will be interesting to see what you find considering where the venting is located in that photo. Most of the pressure occurs just inside (and on) the vertical spars, hence the typical placement, and why it's almost always the vertical spars that blow out in higher wind ranges.
  8. Happy holidays kite family!
  9. Hi all, just taking am moment to wish everyone a very warm hearted and wonderful holiday season... Be safe out there, treasure your real treasures, and enjoy it! This little community may be under the KiteLife banner, but you all build it with each post, each flier helped, each friend made... I'm excited and inspired nearly every day, proud of you, proud to be a part of it.
  10. Welcome to the forums Freiherrx :)

  11. Thinking further, and I hate to be a downer but... I think the main issue is quantity - not sure the number of folks interested will outweigh the labor involved in preparing a DVD.
  12. I was actually considering a 2015 Tour DVD. Of course, it wouldn't have any of the same music due to licensing but there is some royalty free stuff out there that I could use... Would probably end up with 40-50 minutes worth of good footage.
  13. You can see the difference in proportions pretty clearly here...
  14. You mean the difference between Indoor Revs and outdoor? If so, they're totally different proportions... Indoor Revs have a much larger amount of sail area (that's why the look chunkier) and lighter rods. Simply, increased sail to weight ratio to create way more sail pressure. Not much good outdoors though - while the amount of sail area helps indoors, it's a limitation in outdoor wind making it quite difficult to fly precisely.
  15. More fodder...
  16. The master himself, flying his "YFO" (the basis for Revolution's UFO)... http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/270-lee-sedgwick-wufo/
  17. And another - Egan's dominating Tricks Party performance (10 point lead) in Florida, 2006. http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/103-tricks-party-1st-egan-davis/ Sigh... Sure wish we had better video ability back then, sorry for the low res!
  18. Hi all! I've been going through and retooling the video (file) downloads section of the forum, mostly condensing and reorganizing for both functionality on the web side as well as general ease of browsing and download... In doing so, it's been a real walk down memory lane and I've been inspired to share some of my favorites here from time to time as I think of it. There are SO many videos to download in the archive, I'm hoping that I can help y'all by bringing attention to some treasures. First up, one of my absolute favorites, EVER... http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/282-oiiu-1st-egan-davis/ Two words... PIMP DADDY. NOTE: Please remember, the files I'll be posting here are accessible to paid subscribers only.
  19. Sorry it took so long to get this post up, thanks for your patience!
  20. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. This prize package includes a mixed variety of stunt kite items from HQ Kites... Huge thanks to them for letting us pick over their warehouse a bit and sending us home with a bunch used demo items to give away! You can see in the images below, there is a Symphony 2.2, Symphony 1.8, Calypso 2 beginner stunt kite, Nimbus beginner stunt kite and two XXL HQ Kites shirts... All in all, a GREAT package for giveaways or on field lessons! NOTE: These items should all be very fly-worthy but may show signs of wear or occasionally a missing part - we took all photos below and can assure that they are at least how they appear there. You can sign up to win KiteLife prizes here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/343, and will be drawn on January 20th, 2015! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  21. FYI for all, I have no problem with posting other forum links here when they're of benefit to our members, just in case you ever wonder. All for the flier!
  22. Imagine how I feel... I dropped from 83 Revs (yes, that's eighty-three) a couple years ago, down to 22 or so. Still, all went to good homes and got us safely around the country during this past year.
  23. John Barresi

    Kit Bag

    Since don't carry a lot of dual line kites and break everything down, I generally use something like this: Liquid Force 2014 Obscura Wheeled Skate Bag Wakeboard Bags Lets me roll or carry, lots of room, and holds up well to sand and everything else.
  24. Welcome to the forums bookboy :)

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