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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Revoltion 1.5
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Milton Keynes, UK
  • Country
    United Kingdom
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  1. First time out with a Rev', a few weeks back, and I met OapBillF, and he swapped my leader lines over for knotted versions, and advised me to how modify my handles to snagless using this method (a screw in a rawlplug to replace the hog ring). Made the mod that night and it really helped. Thank you!
  2. Greetings,

    Just wanted to make contact, say 'Hi', and thank you for all your help on the Dunstable Downs recently. Jessy and I are loving flying the Rev, and really appreciate all your help.

  3. Greetings! Thanks, glad to be here. I've been flying dual line stunt kites for 20+ years, and saw the Revolution kite for the first time at Dunstable Downs Kite display last month. Picked one up for my birthday, and was lucky to meet Bill (oapbillf) and Graham on the first day I tried to fly it, they were a godsend and helped me a lot. Met Stone in Shoe Bob at the weekend too, and spent much of the day flying one of his kites while my daughter (11) flew one of Bills, and proved that she's a natural and far better than I ! After half a dozen days out I am now landing rather than crashing (smashed an upright pole on my 3rd outing :-( ) and can hover to a degree, am loving it. My daughter loves it too, and it looks like I need to get her a Rev' as well! Cheers Dave (Ferret)
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