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Polo last won the day on October 13 2021

Polo had the most liked content!

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    4 lines
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    France - Biscarrosse
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  1. Thank you Exult for this feedback 🙏
  2. Franck, your SPL104 is beautiful 👌 https://www.facebook.com/polokites/photos/a.303257415679/10157267408390680/ http://www.polokites.com/revopolo/shop/shop.php?prod=spl104
  3. The "no color" design of the team Mistral 😉👌 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=polokites&set=a.10156785539260680
  4. Hi, yes I can 😉 The only difference is in the colors. The S1 and S2 series use solid colors. The 3D series uses gradients, which gives a 3D / relief effect. The Customs series contains all models colored by customers. Even though there are now over 300 models available on the website, there are actually only 3 types of sails: UL, HVTD and VTD.
  5. Thank you John for all the organisation And CONGRATULATIONS @Nekoshi Happy for you, can wait to see your "cat face kite" in the sky !... Thank you all for your participation and to have make live this post with all your beautiful colorizations
  6. Of course @Exult If kites have a soul, I hope I have passed them my passion and it will help them to fly
  7. 1 day...
  8. Nice black diamond
  9. Yeahhhhh, very cool @oapbillf I'm happy to see you happy, and thank you for the opening of this topic. I hope to see here other happy owners. Don't hesitate to post your Revopolo here when you will receive it
  10. Very cool @riffclown Your design made me think of a mix of 2 of my old (1996) designs Orange and blue, 2 colors that go very well together.
  11. Some kites that will soon be in the hands of their dads
  12. Asymmetrical colorization, but appears symmetric. Nice !
  13. @photomom I'm sorry, it will not be possible ... my mother saw your color customization and she said "No! The red revopolos are mine!" ... Of course it's a joke! But that your red colorizations please my mother, it's not a joke Cool
  14. Happy New Year everyone
  15. This one is very nice !!! I can see your advanced search for the color placements... good job
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