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About Mstroke2017

  • Birthday 08/26/1956

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Quads, Duals, Singles
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Hawaii, California, World
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Gee, a bit of everything...
  • Gender

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  1. I was like Exile, I couldn’t afford a Rev I, so I got a Rev II, in purple...still have it, still fly it, along with my Quadrifoil 25...I have several varieties of REVs...as well as numerous quad line foils, no spars to poke through my backpack...I’ve flown my B2 almost as much as my other REVs, newest acquisition is a vented Blast...
  2. Ron taught me to fly quads, revolutions then, but I didn’t know who he was, kiting wise, until many years later, after we became friends...
  3. Well, well, well...I had that ground shaking experience of seeing John at the indoor flying competition, and just could not get the nerve up to speak with him, then or all the other times I kinda ran into him...meeting Joel Scholz was nerve racking enough, but then Robert Brasington, and all the others I knew from the years I read about them all...<sigh> Sorry John just way too intimidated by you...lol All I can say is I hate rain...memorial day weekend, Washington DC, rain, stopped by Ocean City, MD, was a beautiful sunny day, arrived at my holtel in time for the rain, two days of rain, so foggy when I left, and after reaching Lewes, DE, the sun came out the wind picked up, and another lovely day to get lost going home...lol Oh yeah, hate my gps too, never gets me where I’m going, I always recognize someplace after it sends me all over the place, and I take it from there, and go my way, while it’s telling me to turn....damn, sorry, rambling....
  4. If you have to buy a trailer to haul your kites to the field... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. I still have my 4', with a light wind leading edge...I also several years ago purchased a Ray Merry RM10, that one yanked me off my feet the first and only time I flew it... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Where to start? I have been flying since the '80s and I love it! I have just about all my kites from then til now, each one was purchased for a specific place I've flown, from here in NJ, all the way to Diego Garcia BIOT...each place has unique winds and conditions, I bought kites and lines for each since all I wanted to do was fly on my off time...I will admit I also bought kites for looks, I purchased a TOL Team Hawaiian and a 3/4 Hawaiian, custom made in Blue hues, and then I stacked them, they look beautiful, and pull like a horse...but that was a "I want" purchase...I started with one box kite purchsed in Hawaii on my honeymoon, well two kites, she loved the unicorn...lol neither of these kites never flew in Hawaii, wind way too strong, and me not knowing enough to adjust the bridle...however, I have both kites, no wife, so you can see where this is going...lol The kites have been flown in San Diego, but only the box kite has been flown in NJ...now I know you're asking about the stunt kites, those are what I was explaining about wind, lines etc...my experience has been if you can learn to fly in low wind conditions then you'll find it easier to fly in stronger winds up to the upper moderate winds, after that it's different since the kite pulls harder and moves faster...now I have all sorts of kites from single to quad lines, small to huge show kites, hard spar, and foils, inflatables and complex crazy contructions, and I have a trailer for the car and one for my bike...lol I'll let you all know when I get the third trailer... Hope this was helpful...
  7. And John you know me, both from here and the AKA...

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