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Everything posted by Lioko27

  1. Why such a ratio of length ??? I don't have the original kite revolution, just built on Fredom plans. And from my previous experience with quad kite lines, the shifters have the same length. But I'd like to know why the difference in length is so big. I would like an explanation.
  2. In revolution type kites, eyelets are broken out and material at the upper beam is broken. You can sew an insert and make new stitches or make a small modification visible in the pictures below. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNnpABUKyBGtusMgD7t_vUG58FeSgVTsnFpdOE8Ostp8kUX2ZL7WLcjybziraMVBA?key=WlE2OVBJSDRpNTdBMXNiUzBHV2VlUFI0eEQ0VWdB https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMzRy4F2yDikHF9r3EwFva8okJccptAE9e5f9h6HbRaLD7JAnBHxd8cnzv8zG6RCg?key=NnFBLXdQVWF2cEp6MHFBeDJhOVhLeDZlTkV4VFpn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNk7wx6MGky37GhDb-kEyaq4_RHD68MiNhTKUicYRSuUzEMsDnUoBbSipRnxVqRrQ?key=SS1VZVIzSXpNRjZQbHc0c0huS3daUDZRVTNTVVNn
  3. The store looks like a scam so I paused. Thank you for your response.
  4. Hello. I found such a Freilein wonder for less than $ 50. https://pl.aliexpress.com/i/2045868122.html?spm=a2g17.12057483.0.0.52684515AvA7lW But I'm seriously wondering. Can somebody say something about him?
  5. I can buy it for less than $ 50 but I'm seriously wondering. Anyone can say anything about him? https://m.pl.aliexpress.com/item/32791492306.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail
  6. I lost my eyes and found no advice on forums, so I made a small modification. Now only a few hours of flights and assessment of fitness and strength. https://photos.app.goo.gl/A9KE7PSm5TKcHPBd7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/i3Awmf8QvT2FHBDf7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/TMphFM4ru5MamA1M7
  7. Hello and thank you for the reception.
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