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About JMPVW73

  • Birthday 05/05/1983

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  • Location
    Spartanburg, SC
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    All things vintage automotive with a heavy bias to aircooled VW's. Antique steam powered industrial and agricultural equipment. Hard rock music.

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  1. :confused!:
  2. http://smartflix.com/store/category/93/Kites Do you want to see kite videos but don't want to buy them? I found this web site that specializes in hobby and How-to videos. It works kind of like NetFlix and rentals are $10 a week. They have Trick Or Treat, Flight School and Freestyle Pilot.
  3. Dude... What, are you high or something ? I learned a ton from that video that came with my Hypnotist. I still watch it from time to time. Yes, it might be a little dated, but there are EXCELLENT tidbits in there that you can't learn from print. It must be nice to have other fliers around to learn from, I don't have any near me. All the learning I've done is from videos and the internet, but the Prism & Dodd Gross Flight school videos are the best learning tools if you don't have a personal instructor. So, my advice would be to buy either the Hypnotist or E2, because they are both excellent kites, and because they come with the video. An Elixir, give me a break... where are you going to find a good one for $150 ? Last one I saw in good shape was over $200, and that was months ago. ~Rob. I knew I would catch hell about the video comment. I should clarify that the production value is poor enough to make it difficult for me to watch. The monotone narration is not near as bad as the "music". Prism has exelent marketing and kite design. They have also greatly expanded technology of kite design and the sport of stunt kiting and continue to do so more than any other brand. I would not be flying if not for thier 1997 catalogue. I have not seen any other instructional videos but the Prism video supplied with those kites is ment to get people excited about kite flying and in my opinion fails to do so. My Elixir is #2539 made on 02/09/04, purchased about a year ago for $150 shipped. The only visible ware was lettering worn off of the spreaders. Beater kites can be had as low as $75 but sell fast. Most sell between $125 and $175. I only know of one other local flyer that stopped and talked to me. He only has low end kites that make turns. I showed him what little I know how to do on a Freestylist and he had never seen any tricks before. I learned more in a few hours at a WACKOS meet, than I have from videos. Personal instruction is the best way to learn if you can get it. I have yet to fly again with WACKOS and made a trip out to fly by myself once.
  4. I have not flown a Hypnotist but can tell you that if you are thinking of moving up to an E2 I would definately recommend an Elixir(I have both). They are no longer made but nice used ones go for $150. As soon as you can eliminate mistakes that drive your kite into the ground go straight to a mid range kite like the Elixir. It is the one I fly when winds are gusty, turbulant or frequently shifting because of its wide range and because it also stalls for a long time without falling out of the sky. The DVD should not be considered a selling point on those kites. The short answer is it sucks. Look on the web for tips and talk to local flyers for help.
  5. I need her to push that baby out 24 hours from now. Now that over half of the guess time has passed I think that new entries need to stop being accepted or I want a second shot. I hate to be a spoil sport but its not fair to those that guessed early on.
  6. http://www.drageportal.dk/video/video.asp?videoID=156 Look around on this site for some high res vids. The low resolution videos have a lot of "trailing" when the kite is moveing fast. The music in that one will suite your needs. I'm out of time and cant find any of my favorites. Look for a guy that goes by Ant Man from Norway. A video of a two man team fly is pretty impressive. You may also want to find a video of a kite event so she knows there is a large kite culture and your not a freak. I like videos without music because you can hear the imputs required to do the tricks.
  7. I just lay the kite on its back nose away, attach the lines, walk them out then give them a tug and the kite stands up and takes off. If the kite is still powered by the wind with a leading edge on the ground, pull one line to rock it onto the other edge and hopefully over to upright possition. It sometimes takes a while going back and forth if the wind is strong. The face down nose away is a little harder. On this one you want to do what I think is called a "reverse launch rollout". Give the lines a quick tug and the kite will flip up off the ground, pull one line to do a quick turn and your back in the air. It is worth taking the time to practice doing this and learning to get you kite to land in this possition if you cant land on wingtips. If the rollout part fails you just do the first method. Face down nose towards you is very difficult and I've only succesfully done it twice. Do a short fast tug on the lines and the nose will lift a little bit, immediately follow with a pull and hopefully you will get some air under it and take off. I think this works better on sand. Dont spend large amounts of time trying this over and oer because its hard on the leading edge sleaves.
  8. JMPVW73


    Can you file claims for broken spars with full coverage? Would they replace a sail or just total it out and have you buy another kite?
  9. It is a good kite but is heavy. It is very difficult to get this kite back in the air from an unplanned landing and doesnt float across a lapse in the wind as well as some lighter kites do.
  10. Are there any videos availible of the kite in flight?
  11. I got a Beamer III in the mail today, MY Birthday!!! I cant wait for all this rain to stop and some nice wind to dry things up around here. I also got a New Tech kite bag and some replacement spars. Topic
  12. I have a Level One Jump and I highly recomend it. I also have a Skyburner Freestylist. It was sluggish by comparison and I wasnt able to yo-yo it before breaking it on first flight. The Jump yo-yo'd on first attempt and it allows me to do all sorts of impressive things by accident. I suggest buying a used E2 due to the large number of people who have bought and grown tired of it. It is a pretty good kite but you would be better off buying an Elixir. You may be able to find a good deal on a new one if you can find a new one.
  13. Buzz them a few times, they may wise up and leave. Explain the danger of being in the flight path to them, they may in turn ask to try flying and you help grow the hobby. I've never had that problem, people tend to stay out of my window.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_sleep...drome#Treatment I did some reading and now belive I have delayed sleep phase syndrome. I also took a quiz on this site and found that I'm very highly Paranoid and highly Schizoid. http://www.4degreez.com/misc/disorder_information2.html Please let me know if you have any similar problems and what you did to help or get help with them.
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