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Everything posted by johnnmitchell

  1. Pink Fade? How about this? or with grey instead of white.
  2. I have a very rare Red-White-Blue Rev I Sedgwick and I have flown JB's personal REV 1.5 JB. If your into speed, tricks, precision and a lot of fun, go for the REV 1.5 JB! If you want more pull, slowness and still have precision, go for the REV I Sedgewick. My personal choice: REV 1.5 JB. Enjoy, John
  3. Hola Miquelito, Real neat! I like that idea!
  4. Attached are some photos from Saturday. Enjoy, John M There are three more at: http://home.arcor.de/johnnmitchell/DSC20846sm.jpg http://home.arcor.de/johnnmitchell/DSC20855sm.jpg http://home.arcor.de/johnnmitchell/DSC20862sm.jpg
  5. Progressive trains are a lot of fun. You can even axel them. Over the years I have made up at least 4 progressive trains. The first was done in blue wave colors during 1993 before the REV 1.5 came out. See attached photo. The second was my rainbow scheme in January 1995. I flew them with 6 tails each which was a disaster when I flew backwards or stopped as the tails mixed into the train lines. Sorry, I don't never had a photo. The third was in late 1995 with original revs. The I and II were yellow and pink the REV 1.5 was Raspberry, blue and black. I axeled this in St. Moritz for the public that year. See attached photo when it was on the ground in St. Moritz. The fourth in 1997 was original REV and all in the same color scheme but the the 1.5 pattern did not match the I and II. See attached photo. Enjoy, John
  6. I saw the current Rev catalog this weekend, and it displayed the 2005 Rev 1 colours as well however I noticed that there was at least one in the KTAI updates that showed a new sail pattern, colour scheme. Notice that the panel cut is also quite different. The same is also true for the REV II shown at KTAI. The REV I at KTAI had 11 panels versus the 7 panels of the 2005 colors.
  7. Yours is really nice. The stars look great. For obvious reasons, I had to refrain from being too patriotic in my design in Europe. At the time mine was built, carbon was rare and very expensive. Thus, all of the rods were fiberglass. It flew solid as a rock like it was pinned to the sky. If you ever have problems of instability, change to thinner carbon rods or even to fiber glass rods.
  8. Ant, attached is a photo of a variation of the Delta Conyne that I made a few year back. I lengthen the wings from a design that already had lengthen wings. Enjoy, Photo removed by johnnmitchell on 2007.02.13
  9. What are the 2007 colors for the REV I. It appears what you have shown are the 2005 colors. John M
  10. Try this! Lay the sail face up on your work surface. Put a 1/4" wide layer of double side adhesive tape (a type that really sticks) along the upper edge of the sail. Mate the bottom edge of the mess to the sail with the top edge pointed toward the tail of the sail. Press it hard down to make it stick good. Do not fold it until after the following step. Sew the two together at 1/4" from the edge. Fold the edge up at the place you sewed it with the cut pointed towards the kites tail. At this time you have to sew the edges together about 3/16' from the first sew. I hope this make sense without drawing a picture. John M
  11. Derek, could you elaborate on your problem fitting mesh? When I was still making most of my REVs back in the 90s, I sewed the leading edge dacron with vertical strips to the mesh first. Then I sewed it to the sail. Also you should line the inside of the two vertical where the rods cross with kevlar cloth to keep the rods from rubbing through the dacron and rubbing directly against each other. I have some well grooved rods somewhere from a very early original REV sail that did not have the kevlar. Most REVs since around 1992/93 also have kevlar lining where the rods cross. John M
  12. The web site is at: http://ecom.citystar.com/hang-em-high/ They mention opening hours and have a telephone listed on their web site, so it looks like you are in luck.
  13. Very nicely done! That is a original REV II from 1997/98 that has been modified. The holes in the sail look like they are all reinforced. It appears that the leading edge screen might have been replaced or covered with black dacron and the the holes placed in it.
  14. Derek, when you buy mesh, don't buy window screen. It is simply too slippery and will pull out of the sewing. The mesh you are searching for, is usually something like fiber glass that is rubber coated. You can purchase this at some kite shops that also specialize in material for building kites. I know Vlieger op in Holland had it years ago. Luftpirat in Hamburg Germany had it, but I don't think they exist anymore. You can definitely get it from Hang-em-High Fabrics in USA. I have seen people use holes all the way from big cigarette holes down to carefully placed small punched out holes. Holes will weaken the material in that area, but have the advantage that it make the sail lighter.
  15. I tried dog staking years ago. I did not have to worry about a wolf eating me but a kite eating me. I never got the hang of it.
  16. And it was never a registered patent in all or most European countries Very true. I used this to develop improvements such as the venting used on REVs today which came from my work in 1993 and 1994. I was also able to create specials such as the pink panther and the USA flag. also black and they were doing this all the way back in 1996 In the high majority of the cases that is true. Back in the 1990's before the European borders opened free of customs between the EU countries, the sole importer of Revolution kites in Germany was selling them for about twice the USA list price. Today it has become competitive amongst the kite dealers in Europe, thus the prices have come down to a reasonable level.
  17. Many are hand made? The photos were usually taken within a year of the date of the kite. Sadly enough many are not in such good condition any more or I have given them away or in a couple cases trashed the sail. I have only spars for about half of my REVs. For more details on all of my REVs past and present look at: http://home.arcor.de/johnmitchell/MyRevs/M...olutions-2.html Enjoy,
  18. Part III No. 13 - 1993 - Mini REV No. 14 - 1993 - REV I standard (custom logo) No. 15 - 1993 - REV I standard No. 16 - 1994 - REV I SUL No. 17 - 1994 - REV 90 (90% version of a REV I) That was almost one third of all the REVs I have had or still have.
  19. Part II No. 07-08-11 - 1993 - REV II - 90 - I std No. 09 - 1993 - REV I SUL (Icarex) No. 10 - 1993 - REV I vented (Worlds First) No. 12 - 1993 - REV I SUL (Icarex) More in my follow up messages.
  20. I have a lot more photos of my many many REVs. Part I No. 01 No Photo - October 1990 - REV I std No. 02 - June 1991 - REV II basic No. 03 - October 1991 - REV I std (left REV only) No. 04 - October 1992 - REV I SUL No. 05 - June 1993 - REV I std No. 06 - July 1993 - REV I std More in my follow up messages.
  21. Speaking of REV Families, how about this one? Mama, Papa and five babies Photo removed by johnnmitchell on 2007.02.13
  22. If your referring to the REV 1.5 Indoor(NoWind), then there is a rod length problem, at least with my No Wind. My REV 1.5 No Wind is one of the early ones. The rods are each about an inch longer then the rest of the REV 1.5s. If you are referring to the REV 1.5 SUL low wind, it is shipped with the "Professional Only" 2 wrap rods. This sail is also lighter material then the REV 1.5 SLE thus flies superb with the 3 wrap "Ultra light" rods as the wind picks up to much for the 2 wrap rods.
  23. The REV 1.5 EXP as I understand it has the Ultra light rods, which may or may not have ultra light labels on them. The REV 1.5 SLE most likely has the Ultra light labeled rods. However there are cases where they were shipped with the heavier Revolution Equipped labeled rods. The Ultra light rods are the 3 wrap rods, whether they are the 1/4" or larger diameter SLE rods. The Revolution Equipped rods are the 4 wrap rods, whether they are the 1/4" or larger diameter SLE rods. The Professional Only rods are the 2 wrap rods. These apparently are only available as 1/4" rods. These are the rods that are sometimes referred to as SUL rods. They may be used on either of your REVs.
  24. Revolution did sell some extra long handles which were carbon wrapped for trains. I have some stored away somewhere. I think the length was 16", plus or minus an inch. Maybe they still sell them. Who knows!
  25. No, they are only 15" handles with half the bend taken out. They are now about 10 years old as you might be able to see by the wear on the grips. In that photo, Joe Hadzicki is flying my REV for me. Take a look at the attached photo. The upper handles are my 20" handles which are a bit toooooooooo looooooong. I will be shortening them by 2 to 3 inches sometime soon. The lower handles are the actual one seen in my photo DSC19445sm.jpg as seen on the forum revkites.com.
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