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Everything posted by johnnmitchell

  1. I would suggest calling them and asking about the availabilty. Domingo speaks good english and I suspect some French. Jose does not speak any english, but I think I heard him speaking some French once. You could also try: http://webshop.chill-out.org/ in Augsburg, Germany. They offer the REV 1.5 SLE at €199 including tax. It include handles and video. They ship free to France at this price. COD is a different case. No idea about availability. They speak excellent English, no idea about French. I suggest that you call them to find out the availablility. Phone is: +49 821 - 667509 Hope you make a good deal and get what you want. ciao, John
  2. Check out http://www.cometalia.com/ in Valencia, Spain They offer it for €209.99 with handles, no lines. No idea about the video. That is Euros! Enjoy, John
  3. Hope to see you in Cervia. On Thursday and Friday I will be on the main field only flying my single line Geisha Train. On Saturday and Sunday we will have a competition with at least 7 multiline competitors from around Europe including the European Champion from many years, but not last year. I am one of the judges.
  4. Using the same thread you use to sew the sail works fine! Don't use normal window screen. It is simply too slippery and will pull out. The original screening is rubber coated fiber glass. LongJohn
  5. Never thought of using anything less then 4 wraps on a vented REV I, though I do have several sets of 2 and 3 wrap spars. I have 6 wrap set which I tried once with it with no noticible difference. They are presently on loan to the German Museum with an original REV I. When I really think back in time to 1996, I flew two of my precision competition with a REV I super vented(of my own design). This was before Revolution came out with their own vented. Ask Lolly who gave them the vented design! I was in fourth place at EuroCup 1996 after flying ballet. The wind was extremely strong. Out comes my super vented for the precision. I ended winning overall at EuroCup 1996 in multiline. Five of nine competitors flew my super vented REV I in competition at EuroCup 1996. My super vented REV I, does fly superb in reverse as you can see in the attached photo. Leading edge bent around 100 degrees flying in reverse. Impossible to flip the rear tips! A fantastic training REV which has at least 50 different persons flying it over the years. Today it looks like junk, but still flies super. This one was made(by me) in Decemeber 1994. My first vented REV I was made in the summer of 1993. It appeared the first time Internationally at the EuroCup 1993 in Vienna, Austria. This one had three vents on each side with velcro covers for all vents. It was 100% expermental and served its purpose very well. Enjoy! Photo removed by johnnmitchell on 2007.02.13
  6. How about something excitingly fast to sleeping slow, from screeming loud to the quietness of the night. Such a music should allow you to pull everything out of you and your REV.
  7. John, You are totally correct! When it comes to precision, the REV I is the best quadline. In my best competition year 1996, I flew the REV I in precision and the REV 1.5 in ballet. It was 7 back to back first places. In the following years I chose the REV I for precision figures and the REV 1.5 for the precision routine and the ballet routine.
  8. The Supersonic is fast and a bit of fun, but lacks almost all precision. Thus I never got one. The REV 1.5 SLE is terrific and precise. On short lines you can play with it in zero wind(when you get that much in to them). You can also fly it in very strong winds with out fear of popping the the spars. However, you could stretch the sail in too strong of winds. I think you would get bored with the Supersonic in time. Not really knocking it that much, as I still enjoy flying it when I get my hands on one. The REV 1.5 SLE always has something new to learn hidden within it. The REV 1.5 SLE and variations there of, are "THE" competition multiline kite, at least in Europe. Of all the REV and Speed series, I rate the REV 1.5 SLE with 10 points. I could only give the Supersonic 4 points.
  9. Hi Sam!! WOW! It is really nice to hear from you again. Maybe we will meet up this year. I will be at the WSKC 2005 at Lincoln City in June. John
  10. leading edge was 4mm solid carbon. verticals were 3mm solid carbon. I first used fiberglass, but they flexed to much
  11. Noah, To my knowledge no one makes them to sell. You would have to make them yourself. Attached is one of the two mini trains I built in 1996. They are 80cm wide, being scaled down REV I'S. They flew great!!! All were given away for good causes. Enjoy, John
  12. Penny, Good to hear from you again. Maybe we can get the absolute train expert in to this. Has anyone heard from Big Sam recently? Please let him know about this forum! John
  13. Skype is a opportunity for a couple or group of kiters to have a telephone conversation about kiting(or other subjects) over the internet. If you have a flat rate internet connection, you can call all over the world at no extra cost. Example: I can call from here in Munich. Germany to my brother in San Diego and have a casual conversation for hours at no extra telephone costs. A direct call on a fixed lines would cost me quite a bit!!! John
  14. REV's are interesting to stack. Great for shows! The public loves it!!!! I've created several variations over the last 10 years, and like them all. - 1994 progressive Rev II, Rev 90(my own size before REV1.5) and Rev. I - 1995 progressive Original Rev II, Rev 1.5, Rev I (or was it 1996) - 1996 mini Revs 80 cm wide, 2 separate trains of 5 Revs. Fly beautiful, all given away for good causes. In 1997 I met Big Sam Ritter. He flew up to 11 REV I's at that time. Sam is big, I mean real big. He also has the heart to go with it. He is really a super nice guy. From Sam I picked up some ideas. One was to shorten the distance between the REVs. It cuts down the pull. I have flown stacks of 5 REV I's and stacks of REV 1.5's from my collection of originals with great success after my tips from Sam. In 1995 I flew a progressive stack of my Rainbows. Each REV had six tails. It was a beautiful site in the sky with 18 tails of around 15 meters each. It was a disaster when you stopped flying forward or flew reverse. It was a real mess. I do not recommend tails on any rev train except for maybe the last rev. John
  15. You might ask the shop where you bought your REV for a CD. I know Kite Country in San Diego has them. John
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