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Everything posted by brad

  1. If I win them I'm gonna watch antman stack them
  2. Here's the info:http://ec.revclinic.com
  3. Things are moving forward and it looks like march at Wildwood. More details to follow.
  4. CHECK OUT THIS POST AT: http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?sh...pic=878&hl=
  5. Way to go......
  6. these would look nice on my progressive stack....
  7. brad

    my quad sticks

    Scott,This is Great.I hope your doing well.
  8. Congrads to Mr.and Mrs. Kingston on their new baby girl. Congrads to all the KITELIFE SUBSCRIBERS who won bonus's too.
  9. another one for the bag
  10. Go fly a kite and enjoy it while you still can.Happy future dadship Kent.
  11. Count me in
  12. nov 24th 5:59 pm right after the store closes,and you run out to ship kites but have to make a detour to the hospital. Good luck dad
  13. i would like to see pics
  14. Hummm,the way my luck has been going ,i should be next
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