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Profile Information
Favorite Kite(s)
freestyle & JB and IQUAD - mine mostly home built dual freestyle
Flying Since
2006 Dual line Kites for all the kids & grandkids at Christmas
So Oregon Coast
United States
Dual line stunt/freestyle, building kites, geocaching, watching IQUAD & Lam Hoac at Bookings SOKF
WolfCoug's Achievements

Newbie (1/7)
This will be a very nice slightly early birthday present. And a first rev. Shoulders are recovered enough to get backl in the air.
Shoulders are about ready to try some air time and my current inventory is mostly tatters! This would be nice addition.
Congratulations Robin! Enjoy the experience. My shoulders are not quite ready learn the new skills required.
Are there any Rogue Valley Windchasers vying for this? If so maybe you can give me some tips on flying it after it comes to me. Maybe at one of your monthly fly days in crescent city.
I am not a golfer, but just for perspective. Golfing is considered a macho "business" acclaim aka Nascar & NFL & NBA etc. (They even auto cap). The golfing dad is not as confident ( competent) setting up the new kite. There is also the initial entry barrier. A decent kite costs more than a round of golf and clubs are available to rent. You usually golf with someone, friendly or not. Kiting is a little different. Usually buy to fly unless at an event. And flying is a little more solitary; no whack a ball and jump in the cart and have a beer. On the other hand once you have kite gear, and like the zen, kites have low overhead unless the wind is big or you get agressive. Still probably less than a box of those special go long balls. Wayne, I love your passion!
My 1cent. My exposure was at SOKF. Some pretty interesting kites, and flying. Watching John B dancing to the music really got my wife's attention. So, exhibitions with "friendly" participants. It does cost the locals a bit to organize and promote. Got my lady to suggest getting dual line kites for three generations. Can't say who had biggest grin - me or 9 yrs old grandson thrashing a BeeBop! In contrast a couple weeks ago we were on the Beach with our grandkids in a 25 - 30 "breeze" and observed a father setting up his first dual. Did not go well. By the time I noticed the problem the line snares were beyond repair. One afternoon 5 of us were flying at local high school football field and a 12 yrs old asked for a try. He made a few turns, but like many beginner was to aggressive with the hands. I think he will remember positively. I also have a 3 stack will 50' tails that always attracts attention and comments. So, just have a "Come fly with us" day for beginners and people who like to show newbies. All that said. We bought 8 kites and did not really know if anyone would really enjoy. Cost is a factor. I ended up buying materials to build better flying kites. Once you get some people started they will, build or BUY. I would really like to buy a few to supplement my tattered diy builds.1
Just replying to an enjoyable read. I am pretty much a beginner and do not have your quiver of kites. Oregon Coast goes from 0 to 40 so I usually need 3 kites when I go to the beach. SOKF and John B got us hooked so we outfitted 8 fliers. Not the same caliber of kites you have and have built but got us in the air. I watched Lam fly at SOKF and one of his creations doing amazing things in crescent city that really made me want one. Economic reality - buy materials and build quality fliers for the whole family, or buy one Lam and afraid of breaking it. I say get the one that makes your heart race and wear it out. It makes a difference when you have confidence in your ride. (Sorry for the hijack)
Just have to try this using my S5. Still have not located how to create my own album, if the is even allowed. The attached pic shows a couple kites I made for grandkids.
Shoulders are coming right along and should be ready for some light flying late september & october. A new rev would fit right into the pt routine. It has been way to long since i was able to move my hands quick enough to fly. If Wayne can get back out there after a stroke I sure can get these old shoulders back in action. If that rng does not kick me a rev I can will just have to get my duals tuned up and back in the air. I have some grandkids coming along that will be ready in a year or two. Keep flying!
Hey! This would be a really nice homecoming from my second shoulder (right then left) surgery post-op appointment. Probably good PT.
Been sidelined with busted shoulders for the past three years. My kites are just gathering spider webs. Hoping two surgeries and some pt will enable me to get hooked up with my first rev! This would be an excellent intro.